photos of soldiers returning home after the end of World War II, capturing the emotions of sadness and joy as they reunite with their families.

    by Lazy_raichu36


    1. I hope the lady was able to find her son. Losing your child is one of the worst things in the world.

    2. Now take a moment to think of all the ones that never came home. All the families with futures and destinies that were severed. Humans with lives and love and laughter. The ones on the other side, too. Think about the happiness and joy and sense of reunion on display here and marry that with the absolute opposite feelings of loss, hopelessness, and knowing you will never get to see them or hear their voice or feel their touch ever again.

      War is hell.

    3. Optimal_Industry_506 on

      Is it bad that I’m wondering if any of these are AI

      Not saying they are, just thinking about how utterly fucked we are idk

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