She could say the same to him

    by Gerry1of1


    1. Salt-Respect339 on

      American poltics once again confirmed as the laughing stock for all the rest of civilized world.

      I feel bad for all of the decent folks living there.

    2. Idk why everyone is so upset with the man! The Indians need to go back to India!! Americans have been in Idaho for at least 100 years!

    3. Substantial_Ad_7027 on

      He looks like a contender for people magazine’s sexiest…..errrrr, smuggest man alive.

    4. Past-Direction9145 on

      she could, but that requires he be listening, and he aint

      so it would just go to the ether

      I’m voting blue. like my life depends on it. sure.

      but I’m also here to point out alllll the bullshit.

    5. NoSpankingAllowed on

      There’s something about Republicans being astonishingly brain dead and stupid that is just so on brand with them now. There voting base is no better.

    6. Fantastic_Year9607 on

      Ignorant white man wants to create an ethnostate via deporting nonwhites. And Hitler originally proposed mass deportations, with the Holocaust being what happened when he realized the logistical nightmare of kicking out minorities in droves.

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