The Jill Stein campaign officially takes the mask off

    by PrinceLuciusXXX


    1. Downtown_Structure75 on

      It’s only “mask off” if kshama sawant has any big connection to Jill Stein’s campaign. Otherwise it’s just someone who doesn’t like kamala.

    2. Stein of the Green Party. The party that puts the environment as it’s top priority? And now she wants to help trump, who withdrew the US from the Paris Climate Accords.

    3. Republicans are desperate to win this one. Mask off for the green party, mask off for RFK, mask off for musk and going extra hard on propaganda, republicans in congress sacrificing lives to make the current admin look bad. Nothing new but it’s scary now that it’s shameless and in the open, makes you wonder what else they have lined up.

    4. That’s really not the quite part, lots of people have been saying it out loud all along.  There’s really no arguing with the math, once you understand the rules of the electoral college. It’s not controversial to say the Green Party has *never been* in a position to take the white house. 

    5. DorknessEverdweeb on

      ugh Sawant is a fucking pain in the ass for Seattle folks but her district kept electing her to the city council to make life hell for the rest of Seattle.

    6. Do people still not realize that Stein is a shill?When I saw her having dinner with Putin and Flynn that did it for me.

    7. In this regard, the position of the Russia is clear, it is necessary to oppose the Atlanticist geopolitics of the United States at all levels and in all regions of the earth, trying to weaken, demoralize, deceive and, ultimately, defeat the enemy as much as possible.

      Distupt internal American reality, encouraging all kinds of separatism, various ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements, extremist, racist, sectarian groups, destabilizing the internal political processes in the United States. At the same time, it makes sense to support isolationist tendencies in American politics, the theses of those (often right-wing republican) circles that believe that the United States should confine itself to its internal problems. This state of affairs is highly beneficial for Russia, even if “isolationism” is carried out within the framework of the original version of the Monroe Doctrine, i.e. if the US limits its influence to two Americas. This does not mean that Eurasia should at the same time abandon the destabilization of the Latin American world, seeking to bring certain regions out of US control. All levels of geopolitical pressure on the United States should be involved simultaneously, just as the anti-Eurasian policy of Atlanticism simultaneously “sponsors” the processes of the collapse of the strategic bloc (Warsaw Pact), state unity (USSR) and further ethno-territorial fragmentation, under the guise of regionalization of Russia, carrying out its progressive decay up to complete destruction.

    8. Bringbackbarn on

      I mean, a lot of people are upset over the current t genocide in Gaza, wcyd🤷‍♂️

    9. TurkeyVolumeGuesser on

      Michigan, the state with sizable black and Indian populations and a dem-majority state government?She’ll be as successful as she was in previous elections. So, not at all.

    10. Drunken_Dwarf12 on

      Stein is a Russian puppet, no question about it. The only question is whether or not she knows that.

    11. Can they still call themselves the Green party when they’re trying to elect a guy who’s only policy is “drill baby drill”?

    12. I’d be willing to bet the number of Michigan voters who stay home because Kamala supports endless war and genocide in the Middle East will outnumber Green Party voters by 5 to 1 if not 10 to 1.

      Hell, Kamala could beat the Green Party’s spoiler effect in all the other swing states by supporting rent control and affordable college with debt forgiveness.

    13. Past-Direction9145 on

      Michigander here

      they can eat shit and go on a loooong cruise and have the best of time looking at not a single homeless issue or otherwise presidential election issue. because it would make them miserable, to know the truth, and we must prevent that to keep happiness reigning supreme.

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