AI is getting a little too advanced now

    by TakeNothingSerious


    1. CutinCheeshurgers on

      Once again the black community finds homophobia funny, we’re supposed to be moving forward y’all

    2. I ain’t never watched a clip of a black person and felt so wildly ignorant in my life.

    3. This is why AI is unreliable, outliers like homophobics, racists, sexists, and ableists are directly influencing the ai by inputting their bigotry into its database.

    4. TheBlackManisG0DB on

      I guess it’s gay to want my ass licked…

      Jamaicans stay on some other shit.

    5. The ones loudest about how they don’t like “gay” things or people are usually the ones lying to themselves the most and trying to hide something. I remember reading somewhere about somebody “protesting too much” about certain topics.

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