Highest concentration of Climate Change deniers per capita

    by neil_billiam


    1. Indonesia is funny because Jakarta is clearly sinking and they’re trying to move the entire city inland

    2. The writing is on the wall, just ask insurance companies who offer home owners insurance for costal areas.

    3. I have a novel thought, why don’t we stop asking questions to people that are fact. There will always be people who deny facts like earth is round, abd we shouldn’t make policies local, national and international to appease the deniers.

    4. Alrighty, so no airplanes, internets, or medicine for those people! Science isn’t a pick and choose kind of thing.

    5. Lashesbootysexy on

      Bro, it’s wild how some peeps still think climate change ain’t real, like they’re living in a whole different universe.

    6. AcceptableCoyote9080 on

      guess once indonesia is under water maybe they might rethink that stance… and maybe a few more hurricanes of cat 4+ need to hit the states for them to rethink their stance… ??? when are people gonna wake up?? oh wait they dont want to be “woke” gtfo y’all!!!

    7. The common thread, I think, is that, aside from Australia maybe, all these countries have strong religious beliefs.

    8. EgoNusquamDicam on

      I can’t see this as fully accurate though. To be clear it may be worse than this. China and Russia aren’t on this list. To me that means the study was not able to be done as accurately as it should be. I know it’s not possible, but it would be interesting to see a full picture of each country and their imports/exports as well as education level.

    9. SnooChickens2093 on

      How could humans possibly be responsible? All we did is pump hundreds of thousands (millions, billions? Who knows) of tons of greenhouse gases into a closed system. If there’s one thing we know about closed systems, it’s that they’re immune from radically changing variables impacting their operation in any way.

    10. bandwagonguy83 on

      What about “Climate is changing, humans accelerate this change, but we don’t know how much”? Is that a denier point of view?

    11. I am so glad Canada isn’t on this list. I’m sure we are not far behind Australia but we not on the list so we win.

    12. pokeyporcupine on

      Saudi Arabia is wild because their government is literally altering the climate on purpose.

    13. México is weird because many beaches around the country are now under the sea, we also have many floods and this year many places reached record temperatures.

      Imo is the idea that the government is always lying, also many people believe what USA believes, so we’re getting many science deniers.

    14. BilliamTheGr8 on

      I bet you’re conjuring some redneck hunter or small time commercial fisher. Have I got some news for you- those guys are some of the biggest conservation proponents around. We want these resources to last and part of that is restricting and regulating ourselves.

    15. BosskFett884Lom on

      This assumes the authors are correct… not too much science is 100% correct….

    16. BillyTheGoatBrown on

      This is based on about 1k people taking the servey per a country. Take the US for example, if you took 1k from northern states vs southern, your data is completely different. My point, this data is weak!

    17. Spirit-Subject on

      What a random mix of countries, but more understandable for third world cou tries where educational budget per capita is not as high as Australia or the US. I can understand the third world for not getting it, but Australia and the states? Common now..

    18. -retaliation- on

      “26’000 people in 25 countries surveyed”

      26’000 people, even if it’s per country, and I find it unclear if it’s total or per here. 

      Is an incredibly small amount of people considering the assertion they’re making here. 

    19. big_d_usernametaken on

      I prefer to use the term “climate chaos.”

      To me, it seems more appropriate.

    20. As an Indonesian, how the fuck can any Indonesian believe that climate change is not real??? Cities that stereotypically cool like Bandung and Malang has become warmer compared to 10 years ago. The rainy/dry season cycle has become unpredictable. They really need to go outside more often.

    21. ZEALOUS_RHINO on

      Its interesting how these are some of the hottest countries on earth. But I guess its government propaganda pushing these narratives to promote fossil fuels.

    22. letsridetheworld on

      Indonesia surprises me since the country is clearly sinking – possible big money play a role here

    23. californicating on

      We’re number two!  We’re number two! 

      Honestly, it’s sad that so many Americans are that stupid.  And I’m surprised that America’s number is higher than Saudi Arabia.

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