“There’s only one interesting question in philosophy”

    by lolikroli


    1. Think I could listen to Mr Cox for a year straight and it would still be interesting.

    2. I’ve gotta be real, I understand why it exists and has persisted but the older I get the more bogus I find self proclaimed philosophers to be

    3. I tapped out when he said “there couldn’t be any other planets where life sprung up to have organized thought”

    4. its a simulation to determine the conditions necessary for life to spring & prosper long term, without wipes or restarts, a perfect balance of gravity & its game.

      Thanks to Jupiter & the unique Moon i say

    5. “What does it mean to blah blah blah”

      What sort of answers would that get? Blather.

      The biggest question now with a meaningful answer is: what is the solution to the Fermi Paradox?

    6. ViscountVinny on

      “There aren’t any other worlds where this [intelligent life] happened. Certainly in our galaxy”

      What? There’s literally no way anyone could know this. And based on the size and age of the universe, the odds are far more in favor of it happening in other places, multiple times.

      And the universe is neither infinite nor eternal. It had a specific start, it will, as far as we understand it, have a definite end. Just because it’s a long, LONG way beyond the human scale of time doesn’t mean it’s infinite.

      This “philosopher” should spend a little less time pontificating and a little more time reading hard science.

    7. I’d like to question him on what he means by *”certainly not in our galaxy”*. Why is it certainly? Even another Earth like species/technology only a couple hundred lightyears away would be out of reach/knowing for us *with certainty*, let alone 1000, 10,000 or 1m lightyears away.

    8. Mysterious_Web_1468 on

      it is interesting because go to any other planet and it’s just rocks for hundreds of miles everywhere, it’s nothing but elements. life is the most precious thing in the universe

    9. AGrandNewAdventure on

      Atoms can exist anywhere in the universe at any time. That means that an atom within you very well may have come from some other life form across the galaxy. We are made up of the life we seek to find.

    10. Weekly_Ad5290 on

      Love Brine Cox, I listened to all his podcasts that I could find. I could hear this man talk for hours

    11. “certainly in our galaxy”

      bro your ego is mind blowing. everyone who actually thinks there are no high tech aliens in this galaxy are absolutely bonkers lol

    12. It is the most valuable place in the universe, you can find gold, diamond, any type of ground materials throughout the universe, but you won’t find much oxygen, drinkable water or trees out there.
      So simply put, as humans we have gained a paradise, but we are treating it like there are 100’s of those out there.

    13. Regardless of whether or not he’s right about our _significance_, I think it’s important to love and appreciate the planet for what it is to us, rather than needing to center the universe’s self-reflective consciousness on humanity.

    14. I often think that if we are indeed the only life in the universe, and humanity eventually spreads out and grows into the trilllions and quadrillions, there is a good chance that every one of our lives in this time will be studied in detail. Similar to the way that we study the life of a random merchant that lived in Pompeii. It’s a crazy thought for me.

      We live on the home plant of what could one day become an intergalactic species. Hell, we’d even eventually evolve into millions of different species, and we would be the common ancestor to them all.

    15. The idea that humans are a creation of the universe to be able to observe and learn about itself is super fucking interesting to me, and one I haven’t heard before.

    16. senteryourself on

      If you think that question is the only interesting question in philosophy, you’re not asking the right questions.

    17. Routine-Bumblebee-41 on

      “the most valuable place in the local universe”

      And most humans treat it like a dumpster.

    18. “There aren’t any other worlds where this happened, at least not in our galaxy.” Respectfully, that is an outrageous claim to make without evidence. 

       As for the universe understanding itself… simple rules are known to result in complex emergent systems.   Music and philosophy can easily be considered simple statistical phenomena in a very VERY large dataset.   

      Privileging “thought” as though it is obviously and intrinsically somehow different from all the other physical processes of existence is likely just a property of a systemic feedback loop.

       Fear of insignificance is normal.  Existential dread is a horrible byproduct of an evolutionary drive to stay alive and an ability to imagine and understand death.  You can accept it or talk yourself into feeling significant.   Makes no difference to the universe.

    19. dermitdenhaarentanzt on

      If anyone wants to check the fill interview, it is on the LADBible channel on yt, don’t know the title but i recognize that studio when i see it

    20. Sweaty_Buttcheeks on

      I don’t have anything of substance to add, but I find it difficult to believe out of all the stars and galaxies, there isn’t another planet out there with sentient beings with the ability to “think”.

    21. Why do people add music on every video nowadays. It is especially frustrating when the music is over someone talking. I wish there were a way to mute the music and keep the rest of the sounds.

    22. bramletabercrombe on

      More and more when I hear an English accent I prepare myself to be bombarded with nonsense.

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