In-store Target navigation on the iPhone looks cool

    by TheMillieDWay


    1. I remember working at Kroger and customers would ask where the cases of water are – literally beside the sign lol

    2. TheBoraxKid1trblz on

      That’s way more complicated and braindead than just looking up the aisle number and reading signs

    3. gogginsbulldog1979 on

      Great, the stores will be filled with people walking along look at their phones.

      Funny how we managed shops before the invention of smart phones. These apps are making people dumber.

    4. While Ikea makes navigating their stores purposely difficult so you get as many tentations as possible

    5. Please not!
      It’s already frustrating to move through those idiots who look more at their phone, instead of the surrounding.

    6. Fantastic-Reveal7471 on

      These damn kids. Back in my day if we got lost we just scrambled around the same 4 aisles in a panic until we got scared enough to run to the counter crying for an employee to call someone over the intercom.

    7. Additional_Subject27 on

      No officer, I wasn’t taking pictures of any woman, I was using the fucking navigation app.


    8. Has it really become so hard to read signs or ask around? This is Solutionism at its worst

    9. No store clerks or cashiers. Only this app and ring up your own purchases. That’s the future.

    10. This is what I want to see technology used for! And like giving disabled people intelligent false limbs or apparatus to improve their daily living! Shit like that, not whatever is going on with Xhitter

    11. The Walmart app kinda does the same thing a little differently. It shows where you are and tells you to fuck off

    12. I would love this! If I am trying a new recipe, sometimes I have to find 4-5 new ingredients and do not know which category they are in. It is a bit much to ask the employee multiple times and I do not like wasting time shopping.

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