The greatest reason to vote for Kamala Harris just dropped!

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Given the way his shitty Teslas have been catching fire in the saltwater after Helene, he should be incarcerated for arson.

      He should be required to relinquish any power over SpaceX given his love of Trump/Putin/oligarchs.

    2. What *should* happen is that the federal government should pause any and all dealings with SpaceX until he’s fully divested of any connection to that company

    3. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t Trump allegedly one inch taller than Phony Stark? 🤔

    4. Tres_Le_Parque on

      Never, has a Presidential run hinged less on the needs of the many and so much on the needs of a few – as a ‘get-out-jail-free’ card.

    5. Candid_Chemist2491 on

      Oh Leon, sweetie if only I could believe that you would ever face consequences for anything.

    6. MagicianHeavy001 on

      Almost sounds as if he’s been notified he is the target of an investigation. Is that what’s he’s saying?

    7. anotherthing612 on

      Elon thinks everyone cares about him. When Harris wins, nothing will happen to him on her account. She doesn’t give a shit. He will just become more broke and even less relevant. He’s already setting up the cause of his demise because he knows he’s hemorrhaging money and at some level he knows Trump can’t win. He wants someone to blame.

      Maybe he can do Dancing with the Stars. He looks like he’s light on his feet.

    8. GhostofAugustWest on

      There’s like zero chance he’ll be arrested in Harris wins. Still fun to think maybe …

    9. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Nobody is tossing this tool in prison, he’s got more money than most of the 195 countries in the world. Just. Go. Away. Go live on an island and chill out you fucking dork. (Alright, that’s it, I’m going to bed)

    10. ThinkPath1999 on

      One might ask, what does he think he did that might warrant a prison sentence?


    11. Private_HughMan on

      So when it comes to Harris implementing policy, she has no excuse for not doing it now. But when it comes to her arresting Elon, she can only do that after she takes office. Am I getting that right?

    12. He thinks he will get fucked because without more subsidies to bail his garbage business acumen out he’s going to be in deep shit soon. Plot twist, if trump wins Leon won’t get shit all from him because at that point he will be useless to Mangolini so he’s even more fucked then.

      Gotta be pretty stupid to think the guy that stiffs everyone at everyone opportunity will actually pay you something because you think you’re “special”.

    13. WiseFalcon2630 on

      Don’t promise me a good time without actual charges behind them. Every accusation is a confession, cause that’s what they WILL do.

    14. No-Conclusion-6172 on

      It appears that Musk has created many of these issues for himself.

      “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time”

    15. No. His citizenship application should be investigated. If fruad detected. He should be stripped and depirted with barred from entering for 10 years

    16. hesawavemasterrr on

      You’re telling me we can get a two for one special?

      Hurry show this to everyone

    17. he should also list his crimes for us so we know them all. I’m sure there are undisclosed ones still.

    18. Doesn’t Dark Brandon have a blank check from the Supreme Cult to do whatever he wants?

      Couldn’t he just lock Leon up now?

    19. dachshundfanboy8000 on

      i’m so fucking sick of seeing these 2 idiots every time i open this app or any other news related resource. i’m so tired and done. if there was a god they would both be broke and irrelevant.

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