Nothing like refusing assistance because you’re a spoiled child

    by scott__p


    1. ChristyNiners on

      “The Vice President called the Governor, thought the call might’ve been about politics”

      Uh huh.

    2. Katsurazeroone on

      Its not about being a spoiled Child. Republicans actualy hope for Destruction and Chaos so that they can blame the Biden Administration. If People loose their Homes their existence or life well they dont give a fuck as long as they can blame Democrats.

    3. He was never qualified to be president with his vindictive and vengeful personality. He got the Trump boost and it’s been all downhill since. The election was so close. Florida could have been on a completely different trajectory these past 6 years.

    4. My understanding is that states cannot receive help for disasters without asking for it. So desantos ignoring the olive branch to help Americans is just petty. If I am wrong sorry.

    5. CyclonicHavoc on

      All in favor of deporting Ron Desantis and Jeff Landry via jet plane and throwing them into the eye of the incoming hurricane, say “Aye.”


    6. Worried-Pick4848 on

      Political? This is Biden’s right hand woman asking if you need anything. It is the height of absolute idiocy to deny that call.

    7. DeliberateSelf on

      They voted for this. 

      That being said, my heart goes *out* for the decent, non Republican folk in FL.

    8. optimistickrealist on

      It’s disgraceful that he won’t do his best to help relieve the suffering of the people he represents, even if it means setting his political bias aside for five minutes!

    9. Ornery_Standard_4338 on

      Well see he *personally* doesn’t need assistance, his constituents do, and Republicans don’t actually care about their constituents except insofar as they can rile them up to vote against their own social and economic interests

    10. Refusing help so they can blame the white house later. And people will lap it up because they’re idiots.

      Fucking infantile behaviour.

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