God is Gay

    by Fuzzy_Contact


    1. WaitingForNormal on

      When hurricanes hit “blue” areas, it’s god, when hurricanes hit “red” areas it was created by a machine that the dems control as part of their plot to…???

    2. The person who created this may have forgotten that Pensacola is also part of Florida and has been spared. That might be the reddest MAGA district in the state.

    3. It’s because…ummm…<shakes the magic GOP 8-Ball>….

      Obama…<shakes 8 ball>…radical left….<Shake>…LGBTQ+…<Shake>…Chips in Covid Vaccine

      Obama and the radical left are PURPOSELY directing the hurricanes to avoid LGBTQ+ folks and steering it using the microchips they implanted via the Covid Vaccine.

      Check and Mate.

      EDIT: /s obviously…but sadly, these are the times we live in now.

    4. NeverLookBothWays on

      Well duh, “the gays” now control the machine that creates rainbows, which they found can also pinpoint Hurricanes with pinpoint precision or something. /s

    5. CascadiaRocks on

      Ok – go with this a second – maybe the Gays are the hurricane shield? I mean, yeah?

      If that can be proven, you may see a rush to import Gays to every hurricane prone area. I mean, it *could* work.

      Of course, we know what causes tornados – mobile homes.

    6. Well there was the world’s largest LGBTQIA+ workplace advocate conference, Out & Equal, in Orlando this week that was canceled.

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