They will finally be happy and forget their anger and hatred

    by Touch_TM


    1. ---Spartacus--- on

      They’ll be fine once the wealth from cuts to Elon Musk’s taxes finally trickles down and pays for their healthcare and privatized everything.

    2. I’ve been saying for years that the only way to get a hardcore republican to realize how barbaric their party’s platform is, is to give them what the politicians they elect support. I guarantee they’d squeal like a bunch of stuck pigs if Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, welfare, food assistance SNAP, public education, etc. were all abolished.

    3. WaitingForNormal on

      The funny part about maga is that they have no idea what maga even really is. It changes daily. Are they against pedos, because having trump and leon on stage together is kinda sending the opposite message.

    4. Oh no don’t worry he’s not getting rid of my health insurance he’s getting rid of Barrack HUSAIN Obamna care. I’ll still be covered by the ACA. /s

    5. 100BaphometerDash on

      They will never be happy.

      Fascists are hollow, joyless people. 

      They need to free themselves from the cult and kill the fascism in their minds before they could ever really be happy.

    6. WrongConcentrate4962 on

      Even though this sis what they voted for, they will still blame and believe it was democrats like they do the ransacking of the capital. Those people did it because Nancy peloci didn’t stop them so it’s her fault.

    7. NeverLookBothWays on

      This is a joke meme of course, but there is some truth to MAGA being most comfortable when they’re miserable.

    8. Papa_PaIpatine on

      It’s a perpetual cycle for the GOP

      Break as much stuff in government as possible.

      Show everyone how broken a government service is.

      Blame Democrats for the government service being broken, claim that they’ll fix it if you give them power.

      Get elected, spend entire time breaking more government services.

      Wash, Rince, Repeat till they get enough power to eliminate the government service.

    9. No, no, they are talking about those freeloaders! Not me, ima waiting on a management position! Yeah it’s been years since I worked, but with my third grade education I should have a job soon!

    10. spacemanspiff288 on

      *”hey, quick! look over there at what that bad brown person is doing!” (picks their pocket).* – GOP to their base

    11. “Society collapsed, planet earth is dead and mass extinction is prevalent. The libs are so owned.”

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