I wasn't even rude. I actually deleted my original comment, which was noting the months that are designated for active/veteran military, and that "you didn't know that of course, because it was never about the veterans, it was always about the hate." Still got blocked, because apparently facts are offensive to their narrative.

    It will come as a surprise to no one that she is always whining about "snowflakes" and "entitled millennials" and thinks everyone these days are just too sensitive. I'm not sad and blocked me, but I'm a little sad she did it before I could point out the irony.

    by macaroniandmilk


    1. It’s such ignorance, they don’t really care about the veterans, they just hate the LGBTQ+ community.

    2. cantproveidid on

      Have your Aunt google “list of us veterans month holidays” and “list of us veterans holidays”. There are so, so many.

    3. I’ve gotten into arguments with one of my uncles over the same thing. He’s a veteran.

    4. Visible-Secretary121 on

      Man ….I was certainly aware of 99% of them but had no idea we have 2 coast guard days!

      Mad respect to my coast guardians!

    5. OliviaMandell on

      I report these for misinformation. Fun fact Facebook is perfectly ok with you advocating for vehicular manslaughter.

    6. Virtual_Victoria on

      You did nothing wrong. They were just mad that you blew a giant hole in their narrative. If they were such a “Proud American” they should know about the holidays already.

    7. You must not value your relationship with her if you feel the need to snark at her online in defense of the gays. She’s allowed to have her own opinion, valid though your points may be.

    8. sassychubzilla on

      Make a new account and post the photo op of Ex Presidente El Pañal Sucio had in Arlington.

    9. TheHandWavyPhysicist on

      “Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack.” ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer, anti-Nazi German pastor

    10. saltypikachu12 on

      I deleted Facebook because older family members would post this ignorant shit all the time without the use of any critical thought. Sometimes even posting creepy AI obviously untrue political stuff

    11. MuskokaGreenThumb on

      Good. Your aunt is crazy. I’ve been blocked multiple times by people for replying with straight facts. I’m never rude when doing it either. I’m genuinely trying to help them know the truth. But it strikes a nerve with them and boom. Your blocked

    12. chameleon_123_777 on

      If they cared about the Veterans they would know about all these days and months.

    13. If there’s one thing I’ve noticed on trips to the USA, it’s that service people and vets are never called out or praised or or thanked for their service or given special treatment like priority boarding and store discounts.

      It’s almost as if they don’t exist and the country doesn’t stick its collective tongue right up their arse at every possible opportunity.

    14. So… *she* doesn’t want to acknowledge or prioritise the months celebrating those in and after their service? But *she* wants to acknowledge Pride?

      Seems like she’s self-owning here.

    15. We can celebrate and honor veterans by giving them benefits and not casually discarding them like Republicans do.

    16. Impossible-Bag-6745 on

      Space force day lol… but seriously though looking through that list it’s all just a single day so where is their month?

    17. MoistyMcMoist on

      Wooooooahhhhhh slow down….they have a date already for the SPACE FORCE? I thought that was a fucking fever dream that Trump had!?

    18. Jaded-Significance86 on

      It’s the same thing as the BLM issue. The movement at large is not saying that the oppressed group is more important than the other. They want people to recognize what’s been happening historically to minority groups. I want to grab these people by the shoulders and shake them, yelling “suffering is not a competition!!!!!!!!”

      Though I generally disagree with the concept of holidays and (insert oppressed group here) months as a whole, based on the fact that forcing people to act as if they care for a month doesn’t really help

    19. But why is being gay even celebrated? It still blows my mind that there’s a pride month. Cool you’re gay, wow you transformed to another gender. Who gives a damn.

    20. WobblyFrisbee on

      Veterans deserve a hell of a lot more than a day or month for the country to pretend to give a shit.

    21. IntelligentBench6880 on

      I’d rather celebrate veterans than celebrate whatever orifice you insert your genitalia into or whatever part of your anatomy you decide to lop off.

    22. Quick google says that the military get 2 months. One is military appreciation month and the other is national veterans and military families month.

      Edit-didnt know that op said as much in the other picture.

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