Man of the AI people

    by Kiss-a-Cod


    1. Secure-Technician356 on

      Magas will believe any picture shown to them depicting donold in a favorable light. The guy can’t understand how an umbrella works, yet they believe he alone climbed to fix a Verizon tower.

    2. Using an A.I. photo to show he’s “genuine???” these maga morons are an incalculable level of stupid.

    3. everythingbeeps on

      “We have to use AI to show Trump doing perfectly normal things that he refuses to do in real life.”

    4. If a bunch of black guys “flagged down his motorcade”, I don’t think this would have been the result.

    5. Love how Trump has 3 fingers on his right hand, ~~and his tie is too long~~. And yet Republican rubes still eat this shit up.

      We’re so fucked once AI gets better. Something is going to have to be done about it.

      EDIT – TIL Trump wears his ties too long

    6. All AI images should require some form of water mark in the corner or mandatory declaration that it is an AI image. It’s getting ridiculous that these can be posted as real images distorting or even fabricating what is fact and fiction.

    7. I call total BS!!! The orange 💩 would NEVER stop for anyone specially for a minority of color,,,,, his cult followers are so delusional

    8. NoSpankingAllowed on

      The only black people he allows that close to himself are either paid or strip searched. Im not saying he’s racist……buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut

    9. Infinite-Condition41 on

      The people and fingers aren’t bad, but to the aware eye, the house is all screwed up. Siding boards are of many different sizes, trim doesn’t make sense, and every windows is different. 

      That isn’t a real house. 

    10. I’ve been torn in recent years. I know some damn good people that would give you the shirt off their back but they subscribe to this crap and I can reconcile the two things.

    11. Emergency-Practice37 on

      My favorite game. Spot the telltale signs of AI.

      No.1: No way his hands are that big, regardless of the number of fingers and knuckles.

    12. Didn’t he do a song that they were eating cats and dogs? And weren’t they chasing him while he held two kittens?

    13. Flagged down by the local basketball team just hanging out… as it appears that compared to his stated height they would be almost 8’ tall.

    14. He especially loves that AI allows him to be photographed with black people without, you know, being around actual black people.

    15. Lol for a picture with…Americans” (and not just any Americans! I mean they were, ummm Jeff I think, but you know they were …young..ish Americans, maybe they played basketball they like the balls and play and school and I asked them asked them.., did they want to buy.. they wanted the greatest gift they ever got.l it was a it was a gift, a really big gift cause Americans.ll

    16. You can tell it’s AI because if you zoom in on that one dudes watch it says it’s “ДИПЫФ o’clock”

    17. gobsmacked247 on

      Are we supposed to believe that a bunch of brothers can flag down a secret service motorcade and this is the result?

    18. My father in law just showed me an AI generated image of a mountain with Michael Myers’ masked face worked into the crags/ clouds and he just would not believe it wasn’t real, he thought it was an angel showing itself. After showing him the likely sample image of the masked face he walked off to show his girlfriend the angel in the mountain..

    19. tunefullcobra on

      Well on the bright side we at least know that AI still struggles with fingers, watches, ties, and legs.

    20. You don’t even have to look at the hands. Trump couldn’t squat like this without shitting himself.

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