Sh*tting your guts out like a medieval peasant to own the libs

    by MoreMotivation


    1. NoSpankingAllowed on

      We “libs” are just so constantly being owned so easily, that I feel shamed.

    2. Serious-Knee-5768 on


      It’s just dumb. Raw milk is not worth the risk. It cures *nothing.*

    3. No-Constant4359 on

      Raw milk contains Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, Yersinia, Brucella, Coxiella and Listeria. She’s really the dumbest politician in Murika…

    4. I’m convinced Republicans is now a death cult, trying to kill off as many (poor) people as possible in order to control population

    5. enriquedelcastillo on

      I view pasturing milk kind of like I do sanitizing dishes after washing: it’s an extra step, there to address any screwups elsewhere in the process. If you’re super vigilant with your cows & test them and sanitize the heck out of whatever containers you use then yeah your odds of getting sick are quite low. But not everyone is that careful and I’m not gonna trust others. Also, drinking raw milk because of rumored health benefits is pretty silly.

    6. Go for it, Marge! Add some raw eggs for protein. Maybe some raw chicken and unwashed bean sprouts for lunch. It’ll do you good.

    7. Sadly, this shouldn’t be political but because dum dum posted it, it is now.

      Community Supported Agriculture has been a thing for a long time. And regardless of your party affiliate, check it out!

    8. Having worked in the dairy industry, you’re a fucking idiot for drinking raw milk.

    9. Clickityclackrack on

      Only vegans care about that. If she’s dumb enough to think all liberals are vegans, and wait, nevermind she is that dumb.

    10. Maybe they should have read up on a man called Louis Pasteur and what he did as well as why he did it. I guess they don’t teach that in science class anymore.

    11. An aunt owned a dairy farm. We’d get a glass of cold raw milk, and she’d time how long before we’d hit the toilet!

    12. I definitely not drinking raw milk out of a mason jar, but i can get it from reputable local sources that professionally bottle and transport it. Totally unscientific and anecdotal but it’s easier on my stomach than pasteurized when I do drink milk.

    13. Hey leave the free American woman alone, she can drink as much as she wants, whatever she wants! ESPECIALLY raw milk… She should drink as much raw milk as she is physically able to.

    14. shhh, let them have this… it only benefits us (sane people).


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