by Resident_Code3062


    1. emptyhellebore on

      I don’t give a shit about his weight, it’s his demented brain that’s the issue.

    2. If this is current pic, then he is no longer (ahem) 215 pounds , and know for fact, he’s not 6’3”.

    3. TheBigChungus1980 on

      You guys, he had to grow them titties because Melania wasn’t letting him touch hers anymore.

    4. I’m 6’2” and 210lbs. If I looked as bad as he did I’d be booking a trip to Dignitas…

      He has *at least* 50lbs on me.

    5. “Trump continuously has used specific propaganda techniques, lying without consequence, replacing rational debate with paranoia and resentment, and casting reality itself into doubt. Trump’s attacks on the mainstream media and the extensive documented instances where he claims he didn’t say something that is in fact in the public record are related to the history of fascist lies” – Federico Finchelstein, from “A Briref History of Fascist Lies”

    6. How you gonna trust a mf to tell the truth about major shit when he lies about something as trivial as his height and weight?? Damn they stupid to vote for this him

    7. Ravens QB Lamar Jackson is 6’2 215 if you need an idea what that’s supposed to look like. I don’t get why he needs to lie about that, who cares?

    8. Serious-Knee-5768 on

      He’s shorter than J.D. and Elmo. Apparently, he’s been lying about his height all along, too. He wears lifts. But he’s somehow mature enough to run on the GOP ticket. 😆

    9. becauseidontgiveafuk on

      Built like l dented marshmallow, the last stale one in the corner of the bag you just throw out.

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