I ordered McDonald’s oatmeal and they gave me packets of oatmeal instead

    by ZS2030


    1. Also.I ordered through doordash so it was delivered to me. Just to clarify. And McDonald’s always cooks their oatmeal. Maybe their machine was broken?

    2. I think the real mildly interesting thing is OP ordering oatmeal off of DoorDash rather than just ordering a box from their local grocery store or convenience store via delivery. Probably costs the same..

    3. door dashing oatmeal from McDonald’s has to be the most irresponsible use of money I’ve ever heard.

    4. That’ll be $20/hr for my skilled effort, plz.

      The McD down the road from me always forgets straws and napkins. But their job starts at 20/hr. Yawn.

    5. I work at McDonald’s. This is not supposed to happen—we employees open the packets ourselves and pour it into the oatmeal cups. When a customer orders oatmeal, we pour hot water and a little bit of cream into it.

      The employees here were either extremely lazy or extremely busy. McDonald’s is a billion-dollar corporation, not sure why half the time they don’t act like it.

    6. You ordered McDonald’s oatmeal, you got McDonald’s oatmeal.  It says so right on the packet.  I don’t know why you’re upset.

    7. Soggy_Competition614 on

      I judge a hotels continental breakfast quality on if the oatmeal is served in packets or if they took the time to prepare and serve from a crockpot.

    8. Naps_and_cheese on

      I wonder how baked the guy at McDonald’s was.

      I’m picturing those moments where somebody orders “a cheeseburger with only ketchup” and get a bun with ketchup on it.

    9. Wow. Bet they give you a cow next time you order a quarter pounder (meat and make your own cheese).

    10. Did you order it to go or did you take off your shoes inside the restaurant? I could see if it was a delivery….

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