They think Jesus was white

    by Sometypeofway18


    1. They are probably both wrong. Although obviously a Norwegian Jesus is certainly way off the mark.

      One thing to consider is that Jesus was probably half Roman.

    2. MuthaFukinRick on

      Every culture depicts Jesus as being from that culture. White people need to get over it. Historically he looks like the people from the region at the time. “Firsthand eyewitness”? The gospels weren’t written until several decades after his death.

    3. Jesus the earthly body was middle east color, darker skinned.

      Jesus the resurrected body we have no idea, could be green or purple skin coloring for all we know.

      Talk about focusing on minor details and missing his actual message completely.

    4. VoccioBiturix on

      Im pretty sure that the last description on the right side comes from a forgery in the 19th century, NOT “eye witness accounts”

    5. I don’t remember much of the 80s, but I do remember surfing with this guy at Newport. Yup, that is definately him. /s

    6. Stimpinstein22 on

      American Jesus going on a Hunger Strike, mainly because he can’t see because of the Black Hole Sun. He might need a Pretty Noose he learned to make from Spoonman. Next, he will stay Like a Stone with his guy Cochise because he Fell on Back Days with his Jesus Christ Pose…

    7. Those historical sources are racist people who tortured people and killed women because they knew how to do math and made the prussian language go exctinct.

    8. The thing is , if Jesus did come back, he’d probably look for the nearest Synagogue to find his people. I doubt they’d
      like to hear that.

    9. I always remember something Michael W. Smith said in a concert to his audience, to me it seemed funny, like a joke, anecdotal, but now I realize that he was actually pretty serious.

      He said: “You know, God is not an american, as much as we’d think He is, he’s not”. The audience laughed but still, the more I learn about christianity on the US, I realize that actually americans do believe a jewish God from thousands of years ago would be exactly as they from 20th century america think of him.

    10. Kobayashi_Maru186 on

      Who are you gonna trust? Archaeologists or *supernatural* *visions*? Lol. 😕

    11. The whole thing is a scam. It’s like being mad about a black Santa. “I’m sorry my imaginary Christmas imp can’t also be black”. He can fly in a reindeer drawn chariot, but he can’t be black.
      White Christian Nationalists need an imaginary savior they can get behind. 🤷🏾‍♂️

    12. franchisedfeelings on

      Many cultures adopting christianity have “jesus” looking like the people from their culture – humans create gods.

    13. GeistinderMaschine on

      I thought, Jesus looked like Willem Dafoe or James Caviezel or Jeffrey Hunter. They have even video evidence….


    14. The series “American Gods” had a great bit with all the different versions of Jesus. And Mexican Jesus being killed at a border crossing.

    15. I’m sorry, wasn’t jesus so average looking for time and place that Judas had to basically point him out for him to get arrested?

    16. fryamtheeggguy on

      The image on the left wasn’t intended to represent Jesus, but a typical person in the area at the time. But Jesus was DEFINITELY not a blond haired blue eyed European.

      There are a few contemporary descriptions of Jesus, letters written to Rome that were telling other officials about the issues in Israel. They described him as being “head and shoulders above other men,” meaning he was tall. He was also said to have a beard that was bifurcated in the middle, as was the style of the day. He was also said to have been powerfully built. That is pretty much it as far as direct description is concerned. There may be more out there, but this is what I have seen.

    17. “He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him” (Isaiah 53:2).

      Jesus didn’t look like a male model. He looked like an average Jewish carpenter at the time.

    18. torafrost9999 on

      Jesus was born in a desert in the fucking Middle East I swear there’s so few Christians that actually read the bible and grasp the words in it

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