“rocks don’t reflect light”, shows picture of a rock reflecting light

    by Minesticks


    1. Penchantfortoes on

      These people seem to take pieces of accepted, uncontroversial knowledge and just insist that the opposite is true, for some deranged reason.


    2. When I shine a flashlight on a rock in the dark it seems to glow, the image my eye is picking up is light bouncing off the rock.

    3. I had thus exact argument with a flat earther.

      They had previously brought up inverse square law to try and disprove the moon being a physical object.

      The fact they then said that rock doesn’t reflect light made it clear they were paroting a talking point about the inverse square law without understanding it.

    4. Clickityclackrack on

      How bright would an object have to be in order for its light to make another object look illuminated? The sun is really fucking bright man.

    5. The only reason you can see ANYTHING AT ALL is because light bounced off of it and into your eyes.

      If rocks don’t reflect light I guess these idiots will really be taken by surprise if they get some chucked at them. They literally won’t know what hit them.

    6. Reminds me of a pamphlet I got from a preacher “is satan real” I always found it funny they started there with the presumption that god is real

    7. FootballPublic7974 on

      Literally EVERYTHING we see is either reflected light or a light source such as a sun, or a torch etc.

    8. Imagine trying to explain to them that 1.) “Color” is just something our minds made up to differentiate different wavelengths of light and 2.) The color we see, for instance the red in an Apple is not because the Apple “is” red, it’s actually because the skin of an Apple reflects all red light away from it. It’d be more accurate to say that Apples hate the color red than they “are” red.

    9. The fact that you can SEE rocks, means they reflect light…. That’s how sight works…

    10. No, rocks definitely DO NOT reflect light. If they did, one could see them. Has anyone ever seen a rock? No, of course not. Rocks are invisible 🤦‍♂️

    11. Proper_Razzmatazz_36 on

      Hey you, do you see that thing over there, yeah that thing. If you see it that means it reflects light

    12. I’m pretty sure any rock will be bright if you shine a light on it. even the dumbest people should be able to easily verify this.

    13. I’d ask him if he identifies rocks because of the featureless black void they leave in his vision. Or if he is actually incapable of seeing rocks. He must have accepted a long time abo that people can fly using ropes and “rock anchors” as he is incapable of seeing rocks. You know since rock does not reflect light.

    14. Ornery_Old_Man on

      “Rocks don’t reflect light” on a picture of a rock reflecting light….![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)

    15. SolutionBrave4576 on

      Everything reflects light, it’s how our eyes see. They pick up the reflected light of everything…

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