success has no age limit

    by asdfghjKelsey


    1. UnusualFerret1776 on

      I decided to go back to school for my bachelor’s at 29. I feel kinda weird because I’m at least 7-8 years older than most of my peers and that makes it tough to make friends. It’s a lot of work but it’s going to pay off.

    2. Rude_Lifeguard on

      im going to park in these comments because at 22 i feel like my life is already over and is driving me insane

    3. After 15 years in corporate America, I burned out. Crashed and burned at 36. Went back to college, graduated with 2 degrees and now work 3 days a week in Healthcare. School during the day, worked overnights to provide for my family. It wasn’t easy, almost cost me everything I cared about but I made it. Nobody can take that from me.

      It’s never too late.

    4. Went back to college at 27 when I found out I got my sons mother pregnant. Associates at 28. Got my bachelor’s at 30. Masters at 32. Went from being a bouncer working 2 jobs to a software engineer. 10 years of experience now and living a completely different life than I could have imagined back then.

    5. etherealcaitiff on

      I worked at bunch of bullshit call center jobs for a while and ended up in one that paid enough to really live off, so I got comfortable. Then one day, the company decides to relocate and I decide I’m not going with them. By some miracle I get a low level job at a brokerage firm (more call center bullshit tbh),but I put in some crazy dedication to getting licensed as soon as possible, and within 18 months I became a registered Financial Advisor making (lowest of the low) 6 figures. All in my 30s.

    6. I’ve been a chef for the last 14 years.

      This year I hung up my apron and now I’m a pawn broker. It’s weird being able to tell people “no”.

    7. Premeditated_Mordor on

      Started playing music at 45 after a lifetime of watching from the crowd. 1 1/2 years later and I’m about to start busking soon

    8. Life is a highway and sometimes you just gotta stay on until you see your exit

      Edit : Or till at least God or the Universe, magically lifts your car and drops you off in the middle of nowhere

    9. After feeling miserable at my IT job, I went back to college at age 33 to start a career in nursing. It was a huge change, but I’m two semesters into it now and loving every minute.

    10. Sanguinius666264 on

      I’m 43. I’m about done with project and program management. I’m going to get a PhD. Also, I’m going to become a helicopter pilot.

    11. 36 now. After a bachelors, a masters and a string of unsuccessful jobs I’m getting ready to go back to school to become a nurse. Wish me luck

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