Not the most successful French innovation

    by i2n3882r


    1. Decimal time was introduced in 1793 during the French Revolution as part of a broader effort to standardize measurements and align them with the newly created metric system. Decimal time divided the day into 10 hours, each hour into 100 minutes, and each minute into 100 seconds. The system proved unpopular and was officially abandoned in 1805.

    2. TechnicalyNotRobot on

      Doing some quick math, this made the new second about 16% shorter than the normal second, and each minute 40% longer than what we use. Of course the hour is 2.4 times longer.

    3. Distinct-Entity_2231 on

      It is sad though. It would be much better system. 10:100:100 is just better than 24:60:60.
      Decimal time will forever be in my hearth and I will internally use it.

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