This dude hacked NASA and breached their system and in return NASA sent him an appreciation letter

    by -TheMidpoint-


    1. NickFatherBool on

      Thats actually a pretty common thing.

      (Top Tier) Hackers will almost always be one step ahead of cybersecurity, since we dont know whats vulnerable until it gets hit. Developers fix it, hackers adjust, and the cycle continues

      SO important corporations with important data open themselves up to this, and have somewhere on their site or in their TOS that if you ARE able to hack into their systems, if you explain how you did so to the company they usually give you some form of payment or reward.

      In 2016 (or around then) some dude told the NFL “uh hey your security is really bad, want me to fix it?” The NFL said “nah we’re good” and the dude then managed to get into like 27 of the team’s official social media accounts, posted on 1 or 2 as an example, and then immediately got a job doing cybersecurity for the NFL lmao

    2. People like these are the reason why I no longer have even an ounce of interest in information tech. I wanted to pursue a career in this but seeing amazing feats like these being done by some 14 yo (probably) are just out of this world. Seems like a long shot to even try to be among these people in the industry.

    3. she_slithers_slyly on

      This is a splendid example of working together for a common goal.

      I’m even a bit touched by the letter somehow.

    4. PalpitationSingle489 on

      This is the way many hackers should be treated, as long as they don’t use the exploits or sell them, they are heroes, because sooner or later someone else are going to find the security breach and you can never know the intent that person, organization or country has.

    5. theflow0 makes 6 figures a year hacking the PlayStation and submitting vulnerabilities for bounties to Sony.

      This is common practice across many industries. They’ve created economic incentives for hackers to disclose vulnerabilities privately so they can patch before abuse. It works really well.

    6. Stainless-S-Rat on

      Everyone thinks NASA is just the US civilian space agency. Actually, their space activities are just a by-product of their actual purpose.

      What NASA’s actual purpose is to provide facilities and training to generations of engineers and scientists, they in turn generate patents which NASA provides to American industry free of charge. Generating million̈s in actual real profits.

      This is an excellent example of NASA fulfilling its purpose admirably.

    7. Well yeah, common enough. It’s like a different flavor of “if you can’t beat them, join them”.
      It’s like “if they beat us, recruit them” lol

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