Tell us you’re one of the dumbest elected officials in history without telling us…

    by ItchyLife7044


    1. Embarrassed_Map1112 on

      I can’t believe she’s seriously a sitting member of Congress…is this really the best Georgia has to offer?

    2. Anne_Nonymouse on


      She shouldn’t be in politics … the woman is a stand-up comedian!

    3. Higher taxes would have slowed the ice melt economy, which may or may not have slowed global warming. You can’t sell as much ice if cavemen can’t afford it. I see her logic.

    4. legendary_millbilly on

      Uhhhhh,,,,, what?

      I’m stumped about this one.

      What does that possibly mean?

      Even Margie 3 toes can’t be this dumb can she?

    5. I’m sorry but the part of Georgia she’s from has to have alot of dumb ass people there to vote for her 😂

    6. AdvancedHeresy on

      I gotta find a way to run in politics, i have absolutely tin foil hat nonsense i wanna spout at the world.

    7. Let’s just stand back and realize that people voted her into power. In a real world, she would never even been a whisper.

    8. Can a Republican please explain to me how this quote can come, in earnest, from one of their team?

      “Peole are not affecting climate change,” Ms Greene began. “You’re going to tell me that back in the ice age – how much taxes did people pay? And how many changes did governments make to melt the ice?”

      Y’all a bunch of nitwits.

    9. She is definitely an idiot, but that headline is more than a little misleading. She was actually pointing out the absurdity of the premise and using it as an argument denying the well established fact that human activity is driving climate change. She’s certainly a joke for plenty of reasons… This just isn’t a particularly good example.

    10. So like, I see the logic she’s laboring under. She saw memes that said “the government thinks raising taxes can make it less hot,” and instead of understanding those to be the manipulation they are she took them as literal fact. So she figures, since it was cold without tax raises, that akshyually the two things aren’t related. Therefore, the people saying they need taxes to fight climate change are wrong about climate change existing at all.

      I absolutely love when these people get so stupid that they start using their bad-faith strawmen as actual data points in an argument.

    11. So like, I see the logic she’s laboring under. She saw memes that said “the government thinks raising taxes can make it less hot,” and instead of understanding those to be the manipulation they are she took them as literal fact. So she figures, since it was cold without tax raises, that akshyually the two things aren’t related. Therefore, the people saying they need taxes to fight climate change are wrong about climate change existing at all.

      I absolutely love when these people get so stupid that they start using their bad-faith strawmen as actual data points in an argument.

    12. I mean, they very well could have, but I don’t remember Sid, Manny, or Diego having jobs. Kinda hard to tax them at that point.

    13. What happened to US?

      I can’t believe they had this kind of stupidity before? I mean really stupid.

      And another thing.
      US, you can’t call yourself the Land of Freedom when you don’t allows people to read Anne Franks diary.

    14. hollywood20371 on

      I’m convinced they are trying to get rid of the education system because they have seen how they need uneducated people to continue voting in idiots like Marge.

    15. Her take is dumb, but not AS dumb as the headline makes it. She was saying that people in the last ice age didn’t put money in to fixing climate change so why should we? Her stance is man-made climate change is a farce, the climate is going to change regardless so there’s no reason to spend time and money fighting it.

    16. High_Sierra_1946 on

      I read one of my great great great……..
      uncles cave paintings, and he didn’t mention climate change. He did say it was fucking cold.

    17. Sometimes I think she says this outlandish crap just to generate press.
      She’s been voted in twice now so her supporters obviously don’t care. So it’s free press, albeit “is she really that dumb” free press.

    18. What… there was no civilisation during the last ice age, and if she is referring to the movie series…

      I’m seriously confused here.

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