Her tribe has lived less than 10 miles from the forum’s location for over 11,500 years

    by cock_bite


    1. Article: https://apnews.com/article/idaho-racist-outburst-senator-candidate-forum-49d9e3c56b056d8406c35b914a121ae9

      > “I pointed out that just because someone hasn’t personally experienced discrimination doesn’t mean it’s not happening,” she said. “I was making my statement, and then he shot up out of his seat and said, ‘I’m so sick of your liberal (expletive). Why don’t you go back to where you came from?’”

      > The Nez Perce Tribe has lived on the Columbia River Plateau in the Pacific Northwest for more than 11,500 years, including the area where Kendrick is located. The northern edge of its reservation, while only a small fraction of the tribe’s historical territory, is less than 10 miles (16 kilometers) from the Veterans of Foreign Wars hall where the forum was held.

    2. Standard behavior. Hope they told him to go back instead, as the actual immigrant in the room

    3. They should surely go back!

      But back to his house, then throw away everything and everyone and call it a good *expansion* day.

      Reverse Uno at its best!

    4. My fav is thar he “is native american” because he was born here. He said she should “ go back where she came from” (ummmm that would be HERE), can we send HIM back to wherever the fuck his colonizing ahole ancestors came from. Ugghh the ignorance!

    5. Say it with me: Idaho Dan Foreman is a piece of shit that deserves to be kicked out of government

    6. Specialist_Lock8590 on

      Who knew that ignorant, racist, “Christian” Republicans have never opened a history book or their own Bible? Nearly everyone else!

    7. Don’t get the whole Native American thing….If you lived in America or any place since time immemorial you are American or whatever not Native American or some another BS…Think Trevor Noah said that best in one of his shows

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