Escuse me, what?

    by Shekel_Hadash


    1. Five government officials in a boat to “rescue” one kid. And this moron thinks it’s real.

    2. That guy’s face looks like he was physically beaten. I don’t think this picture shows what he is saying.

    3. BeginningHungry1691 on

      I would never want to be North Korean. They kill each other on the orders of a lil fucked up shit, who is bat shit crazy. He’ll kill or imprison whole family’s. Psycho!!

    4. DeathMagneto-soy on

      What’s that?

      Kim Jong Un scapegoated a few underfunded local agencies and then had them summarily executed to divert attention from his abysmal statesmanship and tighten his dictatorial control on power?

      Wow. What a surprise that Posobiec had a different angle on this story. I wonder why that is?

    5. I love that AI figured it would take three officials on one side to balance Kim on the other.

    6. Is this before or after he crossed the dmz on a white stallion with a sabor in on hand and the flag of the dpkr in the other.

    7. purplegladys2022 on

      Allegedly executed his cadres. No news agency has concretely confirmed this, but that doesn’t stop right wing agitators.

    8. Soon we will see that Kim has visited the space station and nite clubs with George Clooney.

    9. Practical-Echo-2001 on

      Yeah, and Trump was digging through the rubble of the Twin Towers on 9/11. 🙄

    10. The first sentence isn’t believable. However, I find the second sentence very believable.

    11. Mediocre_Daikon6935 on

      It is called government accountability.

      Something the west has forgot about.

    12. WiggityWiggitySnack on

      Are they arguing we should exececute the persons that cut FEMA funding? And voted against adding funding before the hurricane hit?

    13. This is a guy who launched his “career” by going to a pizza shop to ask about kids in the basement. His job is to lie to morons. And the morons gladly pay him.

    14. So uh is Jack saying the US should execute the Republicans who voted against FEMA funding?

    15. Boring-King-494 on

      This sound so much as the future of the US if Trump wins. I wonder if Americans have learned anything yet or if they plan to maintain their electoral college.

    16. ExcessiveSize9 on

      Say what?! Is there any other source document? This is such an insane act that I need more evidence.

    17. Fragrant_Example_918 on

      At least those guys are making it clear that what they want is the North Korean dictatorship.

    18. MuskokaGreenThumb on

      It was propoganda, but yes he did “participate” in flood rescues this year

    19. I call BS. Making up shit about NK catered for Western audience is an entire cottage industry in East Asia. Usually it’s just floated around with no credible source, just a bunch of outlet all citing each other tracing back to some weird PO box company in Busan or Taipei.

    20. Blackhole_5un on

      As one does in a dictatorship. Gotta keep the peons in line y’know. This is what you are asking for with the Trumpster Fire Americans, hope y’all get out and vote in November.

    21. SomethingAbtU on

      that raft would have toppled over on the Kim Jong side if this were real. Look at the counter balance guy across from him

    22. slatebluegrey on

      He probably doesn’t realize that Republicans control NC with a supermajority in the legislature.

    23. It’s Russian asset piss collector and pizzagate survivor End Wokeness. Feel free to point, laugh then ignore

    24. Spare_Substance5003 on

      They probably could have rescue more people if his fat ass wasn’t in the boat.

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