This is some holy shit

    by ExactlySorta


    1. Fascism plain and simple. They want to profit, force their religion, and distract with scapegoats

    2. Oklahoma parents would rather make a rich man richer than educate and provide for their own children.

    3. AnonAmbientLight on


       What Trump has done with the selling of various shit items at high prices is to try and skirt campaign finance laws.  

       It’s most egregious with his “trump watch” that he’s selling for $100,000.  

       That’s for forging individuals who want to give him campaign money / buy influence, but are legally barred from doing so (foreign entities cannot give to campaigns). 

      Now they can “buy” the watch. They likely already have a gold watch and won’t be sad if this one never shows up, or it shows up and it’s just plastic. 

    4. twistedSibling on

      >must be bound in leather or leather-like material

      The rest is horrifying but this part seems oddly specific.

    5. I can get one set in about a week. A contingent printing contract might take a bit longer. Bet i could get the price way under Trump’s $60 a copy.

      If i get the bid, is anyone willing to take the bet that it would be canceled as soon as the money isn’t going to Trump?

    6. AfternoonPast3324 on

      It’s almost as if it’s not really about the bibles at all but rather about funneling money to trump. But I know that can’t be right, can it? /s

    7. Time to burn some Bibles, people!

      Also, is it the version where White Cishet Jesus comes back to get revenge on the Romans riding a raptor, killing them with his trusty AR-15s, and when he’s done angels sing the National Anthem and eagles fly in the sky, turning it into the US flag?

    8. Rock_Creek_Snark on

      The fact that Trump has yet to burst into flames from his endless blasphemy makes me think there is no fuckin’ god.

    9. I’m surprised he didn’t also specify that it had to include Lee Greenwood song lyrics.

    10. Every_Character9930 on

      What just adds to the insanity of this this is that just about every Biblical scholar agrees that the King James translation is terrible.

    11. This is the kind of thing that would have Jesus looking around for some leather straps to braid into a custom-built bullwhip.

    12. PastorNTraining on

      I am a pastor and this is freakin’ insane. If you want your kids to learn about the Bible, I assure you there are a ton of churches in your community that you can take your kid to that would be happy to give them Christian education.

      **NO ONES faith should be taught in public schools, period. Also, if they’re spending this much money on books…maybe buy some math, civics or science books! Or fund** an **arts program…why is public money being used to push a very specific religious belief?**

      We live in a pluaristic world, with a government who should be separating church and state. This forced biblical vibe is a violation of the Constitution and its being pushed to brainwash your kids.

      What this really is: Its NOT Christianity its a FORM of White Christian Nationalism (the lie that American was founded as a Christian nation). That brand of belief may use buzzwords like “bible” “God” “Jesus” but oddly don’t seem to ‘love neighbor as self’ ‘turn the other cheek’ or take care of the ‘least of these’ – They don’t seem to practice whats in the bible.

      **This isn’t about the Good News this is straight up religious indoctrination being funded by the government.**

      Why this particular bible? Why aren’t they teaching Buddhism? from the Quran? Or Torah?

      What about students who come from atheist families, or folks who follow a faith NOT White Christian Nationalism? What about Reform Christians like Presbyterians, Lutherans, Methodists…are they to change their belief away from what they are taught in their houses of worship to match white nationalism?

      This has nothing to do with Jesus as we find Him in the Bible – this is about governmental overstep to use a twisted version of faith in order to turn your kids into MAGA minds.

    13. FunctionBuilt on

      I’m not a religious man in the least bit, but it seems to me that all the stuff about the devil tricking people is like so blatantly right there.

    14. dragonfliesloveme on

      >send millions in tax dollars intended for school kids into Trump’s pocket

      Remember recently those red states that got rid of (tax-payer funded) school lunch programs? Where did that money go?

      Republicans have been gunning for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid for years. They’ve been able to deny expansions in some states, but they are close to being able to get rid of these programs completely.

      They voted against the Infrastructure Bill, the formula for babies bill, veterans benefits, FEMA funding

      They want you to pay taxes, but they don’t want those taxes to go to the benefit of you, your family, or the common good.

      They want it for themselves and their corporate overlords.

    15. Daniecae-Media on

      I used to work for a Christian bookstore chain, we had an entire 1/3rd of the store dedicated to bibles. If my memory is correct, none of the bibles in the entire store would fit the description of what is required.

      I don’t recall a SINGLE bible, of any translation, or binding containing anything other than the old and new testament.

      It’s also telling that they only printed it in the KJV translation, seeing as it’s a highly political translation that deliberately omits words like “tyrant” from its translations of the original Greek.

    16. The obsession with the KJV is also a bit funny. Considered by almost all religious scholars to be not the most textually accurate version, but people think it’s more authoritative because it “sounds godly”. It’s just another clear indication that this isn’t about scholarship using religious texts and instead is about indoctrination.

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