In 2005, a glass company set up a bullet-proof glass poster case containing $3 million at a bus stop in Vancouver, Canada. If anyone was able to break the glass they got to keep the cash. Nobody succeeded, despite plenty trying

    by XGramatik


    1. MrListr-SistrFistr on

      That thing wouldn’t last a second in the south. Car insurance would skyrocket and it’d be all out war on some lucky bastards front lawn.

    2. Nobody tried to just ram it with a truck, load it and bring the whole thing home for further opening tries?

      I mean the cash would cover a new truck and possible lawsuit and fine they possibly launch at you 🤷‍♂️

    3. SixToesLeftFoot on

      Tie it to my trailer hitch with a chain at the base and it’ll either break from the sideways shift or it’ll come out of the ground. Either way, I can get that open in my garage. 🙂

    4. pirat314159265359 on

      There obviously had to be rules. You could torch the glass or cut through it relatively easily.

    5. MagicianHeavy001 on

      Slow speed drill. Easy peasy.I remember this stunt and I believe the story at the time was that it was cracked in hours.

    6. To everyone thinking you could just ram it or pull it out – I bet there would be a rule to not use heavy machinery.

      If you do it that way nevertheless, you’ll get prosecuted, fined and they take the money back.

    7. The problem is they set it up in Canada. Try that shit down here in Murica and we WILL break that glass!

    8. It’s actually dumber than you think.

      It wasn’t $3 million, it was actually $500 of real cash on top of fake bills to look like 3 million.

      There are actual guards around to tell you “the rules to play”

      One of the rules is: “you can’t use any tools, only your feet”

      And if you don’t use your feet to break it, you don’t get the money for “breaking the rules”


      If a company actually wanted to do something like this, they would let people use whatever means necessary to break it open to prove how strong it is.

      Not rigging the game by only allowing people to use their feet to kick the glass.

    9. Flimsy_Income233 on

      Thermal lance from the top. Fill it with water, and drop in an explosive charge. It worked for Deniro

    10. For context:

      You were only allowed to use your feet to break the glass. They stationed a security guard nearby to enforce this rule. Steel tipped shoes were allowed though.

      Also the money inside was mostly fake, but 3M promissed a cheque over the the full amount, if someone was able to break the glass.

    11. zillskillnillfrill on

      I would accidentally run it over with my work truck, get out, use the crane and put it on the tray

    12. ..if that had been the case, I would have gotten a bulldozer or something else and the money would have been mine…🤷🏻‍♂️😅

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