Context: High school counselor arrested for grooming 16 year old boy

    by Sure-Pin6003


    1. I hate this bullshit argument. Like somehow it isn’t rape because a male is horny.

      A drug addict will do almost anything for a hit, doesn’t make it a legal decision. Being exploited for drugs because of your addiction isn’t informed consent.

      Fact is that teacher is a paedophile who exploited a young man’s libido for their own sexual gratification.

    2. The kind of person I was at that age, I would’ve been terrified and probably scarred for life.

    3. I tried to make a word that blended the word Ethics, with sex, but when i verbalized it, it came out with a rather way that only a tob boxer could get away with…

      but given how the epsine files came out with more than one former president on the list ( both sides btw). we have something else at play that another president addressed in a press conference, then got shot in a moving limo (this has the same folks that did that were also part of 9/11, as well as future plans.

      this is not a lack of consent issue but more aligned with a manager who thinks they have the right to do so as an employee.

      but i want to say that my mind trying to find a word for something that may not yet exist, well I try make it up in laten to the best of my ability ( even made up some words that i was right on, but with the aid of slang at the time).

      teachers are already vastly under paid, and well if we paid them properly this problem would mostly resolve itself (but humans suck, you can’t always find the bad apple in time)

    4. Context: a friend was raped/had frequent sex with his friends mum. He still denies it was sexual abuse or that it affected him. He’s had three relationships. One with the mother of his kid. Then with Her mother (granny) and then an international heroin dealer. He’s alone now with no friends after driving them away with wierd and abusive behavior. Only job he ever had was selling car parts…mostly stolen. I’m calling it as a result of sexual abuse of a minor. So fk this lady.

    5. Difficult-Lock-8123 on

      Ngl when I was 16 years old, getting it on with a hot teacher would have definitely made my day. 16 year old boys usually have a well developed sexuality and they of course can give consent. Of course, if there is just an ounce of force or coercion involved, it’s rape and should be punished accordingly.

    6. People like this are disgusting its such an insult to victims of sexual abuse saying you want this to happen to you

    7. Suspicious_Jeweler81 on

      I’m guessing these guys never dated or barely dated. Hate to break it to you, but teenage girls hormones are just as wild as boys. They too have fantasies and invasive thoughts. I think over half the time messing around in high school it was the girl who would push it past the boundary before I got the nerve.

      Point being, a ton of teenagers would be all on board with a romantic relationship with an attractive Man/Woman if pressed. It’s not gender specific, both genders are more than able to decide this is what they want. Just because they want it though at that time, doesn’t make it A-OK.

      Age of consent was created to protect the chastity of unmarried girls originally. It follows some silly notion that women are the virtuous ones that can do no wrong, guys are the corrupting force. Why we do this ‘if it’s a guy it’s ok’ dance.

      Now we know, minors do not have the life experience or brain development to understand the physical and emotional risks of sex. Lets be honest, ANYONE attempting to engage in these behaviors with a minor are doing so partly due to this dynamic – meaning taking advantage of their naivete. This is why a minor can not consent, full stop.

    8. Significant-Yard3847 on

      Consent is the wrong word to base the argument on and that’s why people struggle with understanding. Obviously the boy consented if he didn’t dissent. Those words have no age limit in their definition.

      The real argument is that frontal lobes aren’t fully developed in kids under 20, so they aren’t fully capable of making rational decisions. She is guilty of preying on that for her benefit and in my mind makes her guilty of rape. Preying on someone by coercing or forcing them into sex = rape and gender doesn’t matter!

    9. Ok_Fisherman8727 on

      Is the facepalm cause boys shouldn’t be boys and this is pushing the agenda to label anything testosterone related as toxic masculinity?

    10. PussyCrusher732 on

      reddits fave talking point. like yea don’t touch little boys please but why is this topic posted nonstop?

    11. What the child thinks he wants and what is best for the child are often very different things.

    12. Whenever I hear this argument I wonder, do they think 16 year old girls never have sexual thoughts about attractive teachers?

      Adults should not be taking advantage of these thoughts- but the idea of one gender being always consenting, and the other entirely free of any sexual thoughts is some Madonna/whore bull shit 

    13. Technically true, but it doesn’t make it right.

      When I was 14, there was a teacher at my school I wished would have tries to have sex with me, but the truth is that I was a hormonal teen and wanted a lot of things that I was too young, stupid, or just plain horny to know were wrong, bad, or illegal.

      As an adult, I know that if anything had happened, then I’d have been a victim and not “lucky” as I’d have considered myself as a teen, and to make that argument seriously is basically siding with a predator who took advantage of someone way too young to know better, and who’ll most likely need a lot if therapy so they don’t end up scarred for life.

    14. Wait, that guy might be wrong but is it weird nowdays to have sexual thoughts about your hot teacher at 16?

    15. MooseDragon2065 on

      I would have tried to snap the teachers neck. Not happening. No one (except those things like the comment) wants this.

    16. itsapotatosalad on

      The thing about men and boys is, they don’t realise that girls at school are crushing on teachers too they feel the same way as boys. It’s wrong either gender.

    17. Itchy_Village_7173 on

      I always feel like 90s teen comedies trained me to see this differently. Like growing up with stiffler’s mom and the song Stacy’s mom kinda warped me at a young age. I dated a 40 year old when I was 21 for awhile cause of this…. Thanks 90s

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