When the ivermectin hits…

    by agonyflips


    1. BenTheDiamondback on

      Then tell “them” to visit Arizona and do something about this feckin heat, Marge. It’s 110 in October fer chrissakes…

    2. ryansteven3104 on

      It’s called cloud seeding and it’s not so much controls the weather as say, makes rain rain more.

    3. Lazy_Maintenance8063 on

      It’s weird that ”they” have rigged the weather in a way that hurricane season hits every year under every president and has done so since Murican Jesus created USA and earth.

    4. franchisedfeelings on

      “Well then, why don’t YOU do it madge, if it can be done and it’s so friggin’ easy!”

    5. Is this real can someone give me a link? It’s not out of her wheel box but Twitter does not show things in order. Nevermind found it 🤦

    6. That darn “they/them” cabal. Super secret society of pronoun users controlling the weather. How dare they/them cause a hurricane during the usual hurricane season.
      Who exactly is controlling this chaotic weather? The mysterious “they” should look into the equally mysterious “them”

    7. What do you think a weatherman is, duh?

      God’s. That’s what they are. Gods.

      Sent by the devil, to hurt MAGA feelings.

    8. Admirable_Nothing on

      Of course ‘they’ can B6 Greene. That is what the Jewish Space Lasers are for.

    9. Saint__Thomas on

      I sometimes think it would be interesting if she could be interviewed under the influence of vallium or pentathol to find out the true extent of her abnormal beliefs, but I suppose we already know most of them.

    10. PuzzleheadedRoyal559 on

      She’s, of course, talking about the little men from Mars. You know, the illegal aliens.

    11. YouNeedTherapyy on

      I mean, if we dial back emissions enough then weather will stop being so extreme and I guess that can be interpreted as controlling the weather?

    12. Recent_Obligation276 on

      We can seed clouds to make rain. That’s it. And it requires planes. Unless you think we flew dozens of planes over the ocean, then made the ocean warmer, then also controlled the movement of warm and cold fronts, that does not translate into a hurricane.

    13. DrinkyDrinkyWhoops on

      I’d like to say, “please elaborate,” but I’ve seen this show too many times already. She and the rest of the conspiracy theorists can’t stay on topic long enough to put anything coherent together.

      That’s kind of the point, though. It doesn’t have to make sense. It’s just about the special feeling of being in the club.

    14. CyclonicHavoc on

      I think MTG is the most insane person that ever existed in America.

      It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say that she’s not.

    15. TheScoundrelLeander on

      I find it absolutely wild that anyone can vote for her, not once but twice. Like legit, who are these people in Georgia’s 4th district!?

    16. Bartok_and_croutons on

      On the note of ivermectin, I’m so fucking sick of that whole rhetoric.  I work in healthcare, my dad’s crazy ass wife is a Q-anoner who convinced him to take ivermectin when he had *severe pneumonia* instead of just seeing a doctor. He almost ended up in the hospital until he finally caved and saw a doc, got the right meds, and took weeks to recover.  

       This shit is such a dangerous and harmful thing to spread and it makes me angry it was ever circulated. Not mad at you OP, just mad Ivermectin ever became mainstream.

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