He has officially gone off the deep end

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Responsible_Cry_5373 on

      Maybe they can BOTH go in one of his rockets and explode. That would be be wonderful.

    2. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      Jesus Christ

      Why are the super rich completely insane and delusional? Does having endless money create a god complex? 🤔

    3. The drugs he’s doing seem interesting, but I’ll reduce the dose slightly to avoid the paranoid fits of uninformed rage…

    4. MackJarston23 on

      Wasn’t that meme made to poke fun at capitalists? I know his brain doesn’t work, but c’mon man.

    5. Literally completed the “How did we get here” Achievement

      Was considered a Genius like 2 years ago. Now he’s a madman

    6. He’s being intentionally extremely hyperbolic now to over correct so it seems like when trump loses next month he won’t look like such a dipshit. He’s laying the groundwork for the “it was just a joke” defense to dismiss all the truly despicable shit he’s been saying about Harris.

    7. Trump and Elon do the same thing. Whenever as individuals, they are in trouble or they will be in trouble, they will say that Americans or the world in trouble.

    8. AccomplishedEast7605 on

      He’s desperate because his world comes crashing down if Trump loses. He’s been using his social media platform to actively campaign for one candidate, a platform he funded through shady sources (likely ties to Russia). Musk is going to flee the country if Trump loses.

    9. With a reasonable person, I’d assume he was making fun of his own histrionics. Elon is not a reasonable person.

    10. I wonder if leon musky hairplugs is scared of what’s coming when Trump is not president and the epstein files start to come out.

    11. Strangely enough, I’d rather take my chances with the earth exploding than vote for Cheeto Hitler.

      Get fucked Plugs!

    12. Ryanlester5789 on

      I deleted Twitter to avoid this clown and this sub has made sure I see every single tweet he does.

    13. What kind of shit are you in, if you need to push so hard for the shrivelled orange peel??

    14. MidwestPancakes on

      I think what he means is Daddy Trump will grant him immunity from all the pedo charges he’s about to get, if Trump loses

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