What if we created an app that put a lot of women in danger?

    by Vito_Poole


    1. What if we made an app that put EVERYONE in danger. Not just Females. I wouldn’t want people knowing where I live.. higher chance of robbery, rape, murder, etc.

    2. This can put more than just women in danger, but I certainly get the point. Piss off anyone for any reason and if they want to they can easily figure out where you live. This is just not technology that should exist.

    3. It doesn’t matter if we SHOULD, it matters that we CAN.

      Even better, how about this:

      I write an app that uses this. What it does is it finds people who are sitting together at dinner. It trawls the internet to get their identity. Then sees if they’re married to the person they’re with? If not, it automatically contacts them and demands $20 or the picture will be sent to their wife/husband/SO.

      Talk about a moneymaker.

    4. Just make sure law enforcement gets a notification of every time it gets used, and by whom.

      Not that I trust that the woefully many bad apples in LE won’t also abuse this app…

      Seriously terrible idea.

    5. Technically it already exists. What if someone hacks it and sets all locations giving to all creeps to be 18-18 Hazen Street East Elmhurst, NY 11370?

    6. TwoSwordSamurai on

      Hasn’t Clearview AI already gotten in trouble for helping stalkers and serial killers?

    7. MiddleManBlues on

      What if we created yet one more app to put a lot of women in danger… it’s not like the internet has been particularly friendly to societal safety in general, women and minorities in specific.

    8. enriquedelcastillo on

      The next step is dash cams hooked up with the RoadRage app – automatically pulls up Google map directions to the residence of anyone who pisses you off on the road.

    9. SatynMalanaphy on

      This puts not just women, but literally any targeted group in trouble. Terrible idea.

    10. Is CNET on crack? Every rational person knows this is bad, it should be illegal and if it’s not laws need to be passed.

    11. Positive-Attempt-435 on

      How would that even be used innocently? I’m sure in some weird situation it would be useful, but that wouldn’t outweigh the ways it would be used for nefarious purposes.

    12. I got a better title, its the same but replace women with people because youre not fucking special

    13. AValentineSolutions on

      I know so many women who escaped abusive relationships, myself included, who find this prospect as nightmare fuel.

    14. Informal_Process2238 on

      Cool the creative team behind this wont mind if their pictures and address end up posted online right ?

    15. If you don’t want people to know where you live, don’t put your address of the internet.

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