Jack’s info has him deflated. He knows this isn’t good.

    by chillywanton


    1. AlsoCommiePuddin on

      It was released because it was filed on a public docket after numerous delays by one of the parties in this trial. Things have to move eventually, justice deferred is justice denied.

    2. They don’t have to go out of their way to keep him from looking bad, just not time it explicitly to hurt him.

    3. Amazing-Exit-2213 on

      $100,000,000 in legal fees and a radical Supreme Court decision delayed it thus far. Timing is on you DonOld.

    4. Yeah, they should have waited til a week before the election to announce they were reopening the case. That’s the way to do it, right?

    5. I gave a speech that caused people to storm the Capitol and try to decertify an election. But let’s not talk about that, old news??

    6. Spoiled narcissist whines about how he’s being treated unfairly. In other news: Wind still blows, sky is still up, frogs are still waterproof.

    7. PancakeMakerAtLarge on

      Hey, remember when Trump joined the Clinton campaign in condemning the FBI for opening an investigation into Clinton’s emails a mere 11 days before a presidential election?


      Me neither.

      The old hypocritical fool can go kick rocks.

    8. AnyEstablishment1663 on

      “Prosecuting me for crimes I definitely committed is election interference and shouldn’t be allowed”

    9. Uummm ! Isn’t what they allowed for Hillary Clinton


    10. Trump didn’t care about the rule when Comey reopened the email case against Clinton days before the 2016 election. What goes around comes around.

    11. You notice he didn’t say any of the information was untrue. He knows he’s fucked unless he wins the election and makes this go away.

    12. DickySchmidt33 on

      If Donald Trump hadn’t delayed the trial so long, it would probably be over by now.

    13. herewego199209 on

      This dude commits crimes and then gets mad when investigators do their job and find out he commited crimes.

    14. UninvitedButtNoises on

      He’s the unqualified dumbass that rises to the next level his entire life simply because he exhausts each person of authority.

      He’s the turd that won’t flush.

    15. ElectricalPiano6887 on

      Donvict try to appear like normal functioning adult. The act won’t last and he’ll revert to form

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