Sometimes we must plant seeds knowing we may never sit under that tree’s shade (because who would ever admit to opening my bathroom cabinet without permission? 😂).

    by RadioShea89


    1. TheIncontrovert on

      I’d make the container some sort of prism, an odd long shaped triangular based “Bottle”. I’d also make it so there was no obvious way of opening it. I’d put a seam near the top that looked like an opening but no matter what way they twisted or turned it, it would remain sealed. Maybe make it in 2 parts and glue it closed on the seam.

      For extra fuckery you could make the base out of a heavy metal like tungsten, just so it feels unnaturally dense. I’d probobly also make the pills inside irregular. Perhaps a spherical semi circle that looks like you maybe place it on your tongue or affix to the roof of your mouth. Something foreign enough to confuse the person but not so foreign that they couldn’t specular the way the product might be used.

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