Always the short one

    by Previous-Yesterday25


    1. Guitar strings like that are mostly steel. That flush cutter is meant to cut thin copper wire and zip ties.

    2. OverlyAverageJoe on

      Tension adds strength. This why they make elevated concrete slabs with post cure tensioned cables through out.

    3. Why would someone try to cut the string like that? Just Loosen it and remove it pretty quickly and safely, even if it was successfully cut, it would whiplash and probably cut the person too since it’s on tension.

    4. Have these people never played guitar and busted a string, having it slash your arm or your face?

    5. Any-Statistician-764 on

      Why would one be filming this if not for them already knowing that this would happen?

    6. TheGoodDoctorGonzo on

      Everything about this move of cutting the strings right in the middle under tension hurts me deeply.

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