JD Vance’s solution to curbing school shootings: “We have to make the doors lock better. We have to make the doors stronger, We’ve got to make the windows stronger.”

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Worried-Pick4848 on


      The one remotely good point he had is increasing the number of school resource officers. SRO’s have stopped a potential school shooting before, either seeing the gun or seeing a kid they know acting different, that might make a difference, but SRO’s is like investing in a good goaltender, if you want to win the game you need to solve the problem from further out, in the community. You can’t fortify your way to victory here.

      And the rest of his argument is pure poppycock.

    2. Fuck this bullshit fucking answer to school shootings. I’ve been hearing this for years now from the lying liars on the right. And they have been making schools more and more like fortresses. But the shootings still haven’t fucking stopped! Maybe the problem is too many fucking guns!!

    3. I swear he looks like he has tons of make up on that makes his eyes look unusually small.

    4. Indoor_Carrot on

      Let’s do everything apart from addressing the problem.

      Seriously, if it’s discovered that a school shooter got their hands on one of their parents’ guns, the registered owner should face the murder charges and get life in prison (in some states, possibly the death penalty).

      That’ll make gun nuts actually treat their guns with the respect they deserve, locked securely, and not like a toy just thrown under the bed.

    5. nogoodnamesarleft on

      So police and other first responders CAN’T get in?*

      Is Vance’s issue that school shooting don’t have a high enough body count and he want to fix that?

      *feel free to bring up Uvalde where the government didn’t need a reason not to go in

    6. How about having schools held in a steel box, with no windows and just one door. That should sort it. /s

    7. And he said that most guns used are illegal and brought in across the border. Wtf? Drugs head north, guns and money head south. That’s common knowledge.

    8. NoSpankingAllowed on

      He sounded less unhinged than Trump did during his debate but he also just had 4 talking points that he injected into any and every question.

      Walz came across more of a moderate and more understanding of the real issues. Vance was just a well control version of Vance.

    9. Senior_Resolution_20 on

      When the Supreme Court decides they can have 50 caliber machine guns again mounted on their own personal tanks, he can always go back to building that wall. Just make sure it’s built around the schools. They really don’t give a shit about American children, or any Americans for that matter Beyond their masters, the wealthy.

    10. So, we should expect a Republican plan to fortify and provide armed guards for the 100,000 schools from preschool to college?

    11. Don’t these kids go to the schools they’re shooting, this is purely coming from a place of ignorance because I’m Australian.

    12. bodaciousbeau on

      You guys know that the same companies that build prisons are the same ones building schools?

    13. Just lock up your guns. Don’t trust your kids with access to them. And prosecute the parents whose kids use the guns. Teach the children guns are deadly tools that need respect. You don’t see kids running around with circular saws or nail guns.

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