Trump: “Can you imagine that? Your child leaves for school and comes home and their gender has been changed…not even believable”

    by MoreMotivation


    1. Not believable because it doesn’t happen

      Who would believe that a school has the funds for that!!!!

    2. If these idiots were allowed within 500′ of schools they would be able to see for themselves that this doesn’t happen, at all, like never in the history of the world. Same with the kitty litter boxes and CRT for kindegarteners. What they do have is regular school shooting threats, lockdowns and drills because the gun lobby owns the republican party.

    3. Does he really believe what he’s saying because he is kind of losing it due to age and stress? Or he just thinks people will believe him with all his lies because he thinks he is a genius?

    4. Schools can’t afford free lunches for kids but have the money for a sex change operation.

    5. WTF. How is this even possible? I guess I missed the operating room on meeting the teacher night.

    6. NachoBag_Clip932 on

      Can you imagine, you vote for a President and you get a Russian asset who sides with Putin over America.

    7. Damn if i knew I wanted to change my sex to be a girl. All the school had to do was perform the necessary surgery damn. Why didn’t anyone tell me this when I was in school? Lol

    8. Mysterious_Motor_153 on

      Imagine your kid goes to school and doesn’t come home because they got shot in the face! That’s actually happening!

    9. I’ve never worried about my child coming home from school with a new gender. What I have worried about is the possibility of them experiencing gun violence at our schools and not coming home at all.

      Can we fix that problem first, please?

    10. “Can you imagine that? Your child leaves for school and never comes home because they were a victim of gun violence. Then the president or vice president says ‘it is what it is’ and ‘it’s a fact of life’…not even believable.”

    11. Steelergrl2310 on

      Can you imagine your child leaving for school…. And never able to return home again?!

      Only ONE of these statements truly happened.

    12. What IS believable and shouldn’t be is your child can go to school and come home in a body bag.

    13. Admirable-Sink-2622 on

      He’s like a cheap standup comic who uses the same stale garbage over and over 🙄

    14. The last three words should’ve been his campaign slogan. He doesn’t tell the truth often, but when he does, it’s accidental & significant.

    15. charlie_ferrous on

      I’m a full adult and I’ve had to jump through a few dozen hoops to even *schedule* a gender affirming surgery, two years into transitioning, and insurance could still pull the rug out at any moment.

      But yes, tell me how public schools are fast-tracking surgical procedures for minors without any parental consent, paid for by no one, with no bureaucratic red tape whatsoever.

      Republican voters are the stupidest motherfuckers alive. Zero critical thinking skills.

    16. GoldStandard785 on

      Can you imagine that? Your child leaves for school and they come home fucking dead because they were shot by some asshole with a gun they shouldn’t have had access to. This is the reality, not in school gender surgery

    17. ThinkTelevision8971 on

      Go ahead. Name one time this happened. That’s what an actual journalist would say, but the MSM gave up on journalism a long time ago

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