This must be the October Surprise, right?

    by Proud3GenAthst


    1. I’m not sure how people don’t see this being part of Netanyahu’s plan to support Trump.

      He needs to stay in power, and a war time PM is safer than anything else. Also, if he completely ignores Biden and gets the area into a massive war… that’s a bonus for Trump.

      I support the people of Israel, but god damn that monster needs to go.

    2. October surprise is a myth. If the gop had anything shocking, they’d already have used it.

      Besides lets be honest, Dems are better at handling wars and foreign policy than republikkkans at this point. All they talk about is running away and ceeding the fight to putin/china

    3. JustSomeDude0605 on

      The October surprise is the Trump loving longshoremen union president calling for a strike, which will skyrocket prices, make grocery store shelves bare, and really hurt the democrats come November.

    4. The October Surprise is the same as the November Surprise and the December Surprise and any other <month>+surprise: and that’s whatever event these folks want to call a surprise.

    5. Character-Fish-541 on

      Hezbollah and Iran are WAY less sympathetic actors than Palestinian civilians. If anything, it makes Israel look like the underdog fighting against a regional hegemon. Hard to spin that against Biden when he sides with Israel against common adversaries.

    6. UsualGrapefruit8109 on

      Trump will ask Putin for something. Maybe detonate a small tactical nuke in Ukraine. Just enough to be seen in Kyiv.

    7. If that was any consideration, Iran would do whatever would benefit Harris. Feel whatever way you want about Iran, but they’re the one country Trump is “strong” on. That’s why they hacked his election committee’s records.

    8. Nukes aren’t much of a deterrent if you don’t plan to use them when being directly attacked. *just sayin*

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