Alex McIlveen was one of the good samaritans that confronted the two attackers during the 2007 Glasgow Airport attack. He famously kicked one of the terrorists so hard in the groin that he tore a tendon in his own foot

    by 9oRo


    1. Just to clarify: did Alex tear his tendon while he kicked the terrorist or did the terrorist’s tendon also snap additionally to his balls?

    2. didistutter69 on

      Imagine the sheer force delivered. On second thought, don’t imagine. You just your legs, didn’t you?

    3. And then there was John Smeaton, a baggage handler on a cig break, who attacked one of the terrorists who was on fire and had run into the terminal building.

    4. SMEATO in the background! I remember the scums headline “don’t come to Glasgow, we will set in about ye”

    5. I’d like to think if a man kicks a flaming terrorist in the balls so hard he injures himself that man will never have to buy a beer again while he’s out.

    6. this, this is how people need to act towards terrorists, beat the ever loving shit out of them, oh he’s on fire ? beat him up anyways

    7. Sufficient_Ice4933 on

      Fuck I remember this as a lad, seeing on the page of a paper something along the lines of “Flaming terrorist gets kicked in the bollocks”

    8. LilMissBarbie on

      Imagine If his boss fired him bc he took to long to recover, or bc he didn’t got approved for sick leave, or bc he “damaged companies reputation” for being aggressive

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