The safety system thought by the Public Transport Company of Zurich, Swizterland.

    by PowerNo1833


    1. RadiantApplication62 on

      And then they tried the same in 200 km//h and they never found the victim again.

    2. ExperimentalToaster on

      “Initially, when they came into widespread use in the mid-21st century, the vehicles were also programmed to stop…”

    3. Seems that deflecting the pedstrian to the side is a better alternative, a la cow-catcher, or a uni-directional cow-catcher

    4. So, let’s say this happens. How long does the train remain unusable until this safety feature is reset?

    5. ZnarfGnirpslla on

      how do so many people in these comments not realise that this is a tram and not a high-speed train???

    6. Seattle_gldr_rdr on

      I bet with a little more work they could make it flip you around into a sitting position and provide you with a cold beverage.

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