Black testicles.

    by mochi_and_rei


    1. Weird how she had the exact same experience as something I’ve seen posted r/jokes a good twenty times.

    2. Stealthychicken85 on

      Damn, i thought this joke would be graduating from college by now because it’s so fucking old

    3. So many edits and rough cuts. It’s funny, but it could have been better if it were one delivery.

    4. SmellsLikeWetFox on

      One time I ordered a pizza from dominoes, when it showed up the guy slipped and knocked the door hard enough to pop it off the hinges…then after he was leaving he proceeded to back over my 9 yr old golden retriever in the driveway, killing the dog…

      …and that was still a better delivery than this monotone shit

    5. Is this an AI generated video, or is she using, like, every filter and speaking painfully monotone?

    6. She sounds like that kid that didn’t pay attention in high school classes that the teacher made read aloud.

    7. Ppl salty in the comment section.

      Something about how deadpan she tells it made it hilarious.

    8. iplaypokerforaliving on

      She sounds like she’s being forced to read this. Couldn’t even finish this. Hate the way she’s talking

    9. Is this the first time she’s ever read this joke? She really struggled with that delivery. And so many cuts in the video lead me to believe this was the result of multiple attempts to get this on camera.

    10. Revenge_of_the_Khaki on

      I actually have a very true version of this story from my dad. When he was diagnosed with blood clots (brought on by cancer), the nurse gave him “love nuts”. He made a weird face, but they continued. Later on, she said it again. Once again, my dad gave her a weird face.

      Finally after this happened several more times, she had to enunciate for him that he was getting **Lovenox** blood thinner and they had a good laugh about it.

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