The most embarrassing FO of FAFO is when it happens because of a Bleach Blonde, Bad Built Butch Body

    by Lena_Lena_A


    1. What?! Obvious racist said something racist? Shocked. Flabbergasted. Scratching my head whilst shaking it.

    2. Harrison Floyd is currently indicted and out on bond until the Georgia trial moves forward. He tried to overturn the election for Trump in 2020 and got caught. Fani Willis is trying to put him in prison.

      Literally a case of leopards eating his own face.

    3. Hold up – this chucklefuck Uncle Ruckus is saying this in order to defend LAURA LOOMER. I’m not saying MTG isn’t racist (she’s super duper racist), but I am saying Harrison “Shuck-n-Jive” Floyd is not a credible analyst on racism in the GOP.

    4. # Former Black Voices for Trump Director: Marjorie Taylor Greene Called Me the N-Word

      When Marjorie Taylor Greene called out Laura Loomer racist remarks about curry and call centers directed against Kamala Harris, Loomer accused Greene of saying the n-word. Former Black Voices for Trump director and Trump co-conspirator Harrison Floyd came to Loomer’s defense and said Greene’s n-word slur was directed at him after issuing a potential primary challenge.

      Floyd shared additional details about Greene’s alleged n-word slur on Twitter. Floyd wrote that Greene “has no room to call anyone a racist, or talk about what the MAGA community stands for when she refers me as a Ni**er in private.”

      Floyd also implied there are multiple comments Greene made in private about him and, therefore, Greene has “no room to call Laura Loomer or anyone else racist.”

      Last year, Floyd expressed interest in issuing a primary challenge against Greene, but ultimately took the advice to handle his legal issue first. Floyd hasn’t ruled out a future challenge to Greene who has expressed interest in running for a higher office.

      Floyd has also attacked Greene on Twitter calling the congresswoman, “fake,” and asking, “How can the people of GA14 trust you if all you do is make noise?”

      Regarding the alleged n-word slur, Floyd states “a member of the GA GOP Executive Committee” that was helping him explore a potential political run heard Greene’s alleged n-word slur and “will go on the record.” Floyd said the member is not the only one who knows or that brought it to his attention.

      In another tweet, Floyd demanded that Greene apologize and stated that if she doesn’t he will have another House member escort him to the House floor or cloak room and get the apology in person on Capitol Hill.

      Floyd then followed up to clarify he wasn’t issuing a threat or attempting to intimidate Greene, but was suggesting Greene should apologize in person if she is an honorable person.

      Laura Loomer has offered to have Harrison Floyd on her show to share his story.

    5. The lady that said that she knows some white people that are just as bad and as lazy as black people? Nooooo

    6. I’d love understand how he’s shocked about this.

      The idea that this fool has never faced racism before in the circles he runs in is bullshit.

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