I run a professional gardening service and the Customer asked us to cut this climber here. I left my labourer to do it and this is what I came back to.

    by Beerbeetrootsbitches


    1. He looks so proud of himself! “Look boss, I done did whatcha told me “. 🤪 He also looks high af.

    2. Must be the same guy I had working on my lawn. His only task was to mow, but he took it upon himself to cut down three trees he deemed ‘too tall.’ Further, he cut the trunks several inches above the ground, leaving stabby stalks someone can trip on.

    3. ChannelLumpy7453 on

      You may, in future, elect to refer to your business simply as ‘a gardening business’.

      Your man looks like he could identify weed from 100 yards, but not know the difference between a weed and a daffodil.

    4. I didn’t realize what was wrong at first, then it suddenly clicked and I gasped. That is a BIG screw up! I think your employee is the reason people get drug tested for work.

    5. AutocraticHilarity on

      Correction: you RAN a professional gardening service. Now it’s just people with garden equipment hacking away at things. Depending on how this is handled the one-star review writes itself…

    6. ” I can’t find anyone who’s any good to work for me….” (Pays minimum wage).
      OP may pay well, but most of the complaints I hear about getting good employees could be rectified by paying for better employees.

    7. karimbenbourenane on

      Are you one of those companies that refer to yourselves as a plant/tree surgeons? The patient is dead.

    8. OpportunitySmart3457 on

      Nice uniform for employee, customers must love being unsure if it’s a transient mucking around their yard.

      Nothing professional about it and you will not get referrals.

    9. Reminds me of when I worked in a bookstore and we told a new employee to shelve the new books alphabetically by author. Which she did, by first name.

    10. Annnnd this would be why professional supervisors stay at the job site monitoring what is going on….

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