Walmart puts kitchen knives on sale when this never happens

    by CascadiaRocks


    1. everythingbeeps on

      The threats are becoming more blatantly and laughably bad.

      He’s basically just out there saying “all immigrants will murder you all the time”

    2. Can a Republican who supports this dude please explain why you think this is ok?

      Genuinely asking.

    3. I think what we’re seeing is an insight into Trump’s TV watching habits. He just watched The Purge. If we could use this information to pinpoint what networks he prefers, I’ll bet we could use it to predict what he says in future speeches.

    4. MessagingMatters on

      Why would they be in my kitchen? Aren’t they too busy working that tech executive job that they stole from me?

    5. Silent_Cress8310 on

      They will walk into your kitchen. You will have a good meal and a nice conversation. Because you invited them. Because they are nice people.

    6. By the end of October, it’s going to be “They’re raping the women, then waiting 8 and a half months to abort them so they can eat the baby.”

    7. My friend wants to know: “at what point does stirring the pot about illegals become illegal”

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