We are spoiled for choice

    by Renegadeforever2024


    1. Exotic_Page4196 on

      Constant reminders of what I will never have. It’s levels to this shit.


    2. Fit_Poetry_3094 on

      It doesn’t help that a lot of the girls on social media run to get their faces/bodies done. Most of these “baddies” don’t exist in real life since no one has 10k+ lying around for a full blown makeover.

    3. That’s my gripe with dating apps. I’ve never used one but I’ve sat and watched both guy friends and girl friends just endlessly swipe through profiles. They don’t even read the whole profile or go through all of their pictures…just swiping, thinking that the next profile will be the finest man or the finest woman ever. Then complain “no one’s on the apps”.

    4. We are ruined for choice is my opinion.

      Being able to pick your favorite person out of 10 is a blessing.

      Being forced to pick your favorite person out of 1000 is a curse. You’ll never be happy.

    5. The words “happiness is a choice” come to mind. There will always be a badder woman and that’s ok, one has to understand it and choose to be ok with it. a baddy that isn’t the baddest baddy is still a baddy. 

      Being pornbrained and just thinking with ones dick means one is just going to be misery for any woman one decides to inflict oneself on.

    6. I can’t open social media without seeing thee fattest asses the internet has to offer when all I’m trying to do is share memes with my friends

    7. barbedseacucumber on

      Sometimes you have to realize that the aesthetic looks great in that moment, but you are only seeing the pinnacle moment and dealing with someone who is putting in that much time and effort into something you aren’t living might not be for you. I like checking out goth girls on insta, but I don’t date them because the aesthetic takes a lot of work and I can’t live it.

    8. I’m so desensitized. Women still think ima chase them just cause they look good.. nah at this point you need more than that make me laugh or somethin 😂

      Then I just get called sassy or gay…

    9. And baddies weren’t meant for this kind of attention either. Now, they thrive on the attention, and dudes thrive on the chase. We’ve created an endless loop.

    10. I feel like the endless options effect is equal to men and women. People in general didn’t have this many options.

      I think for men, the big thing is that there simply weren’t this many women walking around on this higher level of fitness and fashion back then.

      Even without social media, that 10 in a lifetime turns into 10 within walking distance just by fitness, fashion, cosmetics, and hair styling.

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