Flaunting his stupidity by attacking the intellect of his opponent.

    by Jlx_27


    1. Would’ve been more accurate if he’d just stopped after the first three words… “I don’t think”.

    2. ClaudetteLeon23 on

      He’s projecting because he’s a pathetic and insecure man. He’s not a bright person, he’s an idiot. Always has been and always will be. He’s also a heartless, soulless, worthless, and cancerous human being.


    3. The convicted felon got his ass kicked in his debate with the Vice President. If he thinks she is stupid, what does that make him?

    4. “a lot of people say that” is another way of saying, no one says that, i’m just making it up.


      >Trump frequently couches his most controversial comments this way, which allows him to share a controversial idea, piece of tabloid gossip or conspiracy theory without technically embracing it. If the comment turns out to be popular, Trump will often drop the distancing qualifier — “people think” or “some say.” If the opposite happens, Trump can claim that he never said the thing he is accused of saying, equating it to retweeting someone else’s thoughts on Twitter.

      >At a rally in New Hampshire in September[2016], a man in the audience loudly declared President Obama a Muslim and “not even an American,” then asked Trump to get rid of Muslim “training camps.”

      >“You know, a lot of people are saying that, and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening out there,” Trump responded. “We’re going to look at that and plenty of other things.”


    5. pine-cone-sundae on

      Trump is almost pure Id- he projects his greatest fears and states his greatest desires, sometimes all at once, with no thought whatsover to truth, relevance or appropriateness. He’s a solipsist- in his mind, we are merely window dressing for his supreme reality.

    6. blandocalrissian50 on

      And boom, he gets 60 million votes from white people. Good thing America isn’t racist. Lol.

    7. So he got his ass handed to him in the debate by someone who he claims is a dumb person? Pretty sure that’s not the flex he thinks it is.

    8. LMAO .. thats not what he saw during their debate !! 

      Her superior intellect wiped the floor with his blubber body .. 

    9. Time for my daily comment of ‘How the actual fuck can any sane individual think he’s their guy’

    10. monkey_trumpets on

      His speaking method is akin to a first grade reader. No wonder so many stupid people like him.

    11. farklespanktastic on

      “A lot of people say that”. Is he talking about Fox News hosts or the voices in his head?

    12. extraboredinary on

      It really bothers me how he says the most simple and generic statements but also feels the need to repeat it, like any part of what he said was hard to process.

    13. There are people that claim Trump is smart. There’s a million times more that realize he’s always been dull norma,l or even a moron.

    14. Mental_Mixture8306 on

      He knows she is smarter than him and it bothers him a LOT.    That debate really broke his brain. 

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