Idaho Teacher Who Sexually Assaulted Minor, Then Made Him Drive Her Home Because She was Too Drunk, Sentenced

    by MastodonOk8087


    1. themonopolyman27 on

      At least she was responsible enough to not drive home drunk. Moral compass seems to be at least half way there

    2. DevilsAdvocate8008 on

      So she was sentenced to between 2 and 20 years? So basically most likely she is going to be released in a year or so on good behavior

    3. I like that this headline doesn’t soften the fuck out of this horrible event. Wow what a low bar.

    4. I guess it was just a different world I grew up in. When I was 16, I sure would not have told the cops that I had had sex with a 36 yo woman. I would have told Johnny and Butch (best friends), but they would not have believed me. It would have been frickin awsome.

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