Dangerous immigrants stealing American jobs.

    by Cyrix_FPU_FTW


    1. Christ Russel Brand too? I thought he was decent. This is no longer an age of just being able to civilly disagree with someone’s political standing when the GOP has become outright fascism with MAGA. It’s not a political opinion anymore, it’s a moral one. So, fuck you, Brand, let’s see how your career continues when people realize you’re comfortable with fascists.

    2. Funny how the GOP is just chock full of those who have been accused, convicted and adjudicated of sexual assault. I wonder why that is. It’s a mystery.

    3. As a Brit, I feel the need to apologise on behalf of the United Kingdom for Russell Brand.

      We genuinely thought he was just a cheeky chappie who was merely modelling his public persona on Captain Jack Sparrow.

      Turns out he’s a grade A psycho douchenozzle and by the time we realised this, he’d already escaped. We’re sorry.

    4. I can only imagine the laughs these two had before the show as they dreamt up these ridiculous antics.

    5. All those betas, when they know they’re screwed they run to Jesus. 🤣🙄. Yeah now they’re all religious. Lmao

    6. Where’s the other grifter, Nigel “Man of the People” Farage?! DonOLD not need his arse kissing?

    7. No one was unfairly prosecuted for January 6th, you broke the law. If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime

    8. When was the last time he was relevant? If ever! He makes no sense. Katy Perry must be thanking her lucky stars she didn’t stay with that numbnut.

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