This is what clouds look from the inside

    by Perfect-View3330


    1. My two immediate thoughts, “Nope, I’m scared of heights and… I sure hope that cloud isn’t fog!”

    2. Going through the millions of water droplets at terminal velocity must have been fun. I can only hope it was water and not tiny, sharp icicles.

    3. It frightens me so much that you can no-longer see the ground. I would have an irrational paranoia about the cloud being bigger than expected and the ground being much closer that it should be when I get out the other side!

    4. All that I could think was “You stupid MOFO! you don’t sky dive through cloud, if you want to know what the inside of a cloud looks like get an an aircraft and fly through one” There is so much that could go wrong here

    5. Actually hurts a tich too. Also illegal generally to intentionally dive through clouds in US and Europe, unsure why though per say.

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