In 1998, Susumi Tachi from the University of Tokyo created a cloak using retro-reflective projection technology. It was called the “Optical Camouflage”

    by onlyyoutilltheend


    1. lol, i mean cool technology for the 1998 but… you see the camera behind him? Its filming the background and he is using a projector to project it onto his clothing. nothing special nowadays

    2. You know it does not work just by itself? .. He Is just basically projector screen with high reflectivity coating.

      But I admit it does look cool like this.

    3. Fetlocks_Glistening on

      So, works from one carefully selected angle only, but move 30 degrees either side, and doesn’t?

    4. I love some of these comments, really shows how stupid people are that the argument is “Lol it’s not REALLY a high tech advanced camouflage made in 1998.”

      No fucking shit guys.

    5. OnlyLosersReply2me on

      Not a projector or anything that cool, just a green coat that’s been chromakeyed. Bullshit either way

    6. James Bond drove the invisible car in Die Another Day–maybe the tech was similar? LOL!! Probably the low point for 007

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