Alpha male

    by HermilYonger


    1. ARoaruhBoreeYellus on

      “Hey man, you want a little water? Let me see if we can help you up and get you some”

      -Actual Alpha

    2. What’s the progression here? Pay 5 figures to be water boarded and then treat yourself to a 6 figure Trump watch for successfully playing toy soldier?

    3. “Alpha male, huh? Suuuure…”

      “No, it’s true! Look, I got a framed graduation certificate from Alpha male school, and it only cost me everything I own, so it must be fact!”

    4. They are not looking very alpha to me. Or is the guy paying doing the hosing? What are the other guys doing? Actually I don’t care. Fools. Money.

    5. Estimated-Delivery on

      I was in the military for 16 years, this is torture and nothing to do with military training these are evil people.

    6. Looks like the ‘alpha males’ are paying to be ‘submissive bitches’ there

      Does the course offer a free gimp mask as that’s what you are being

    7. What next? Are they gonna check themselves into a concentration camp to prove how much of a man they are?

    8. Or give some crackheads $200 to do the same thing. You might not survive, but at least you’ll have proven yourself as an “alfa” male. /s

    9. If you are going to do that at least enlist in the army WTF, like they will do the same and they WILL PAY YOU. How dumb you have to be to pay to do that especially when you can get paid, these are the same dudes that say “yeah bro I’m grinding I don’t spend money on dumb shit just like it says in poor dad rich dad”…

      Are you dumb? Like I want to meet this people and ask them
      If they have some kind of fucking disability, for real, this shit infuriates me.

    10. Public-Marionberry33 on

      I’m disappointed in myself that I have some scruples because making money off of MAGAts would be so easy.

    11. It’s so much worse than it sounds, watch the AngryCops video on it and you’ll see how sad these people that pay that money are.

      Not to mention, the bawbags in charge pushed a guy so hard it killed him.

    12. Why though? The domina at my local brothel can probably make me cry for cheaper, and then it’s just down the hallway to the next room to have a thicc mommy tell me what a brave boy I am

    13. This is clearly some kind of BDSM event, not a misguided personal development event. Not for me to kink-shame. Unless your kink is being shamed, in which I will kink-shame just the right amount to hit your sweet spot.

    14. Yeah, being waterboarded willingly while laying on your back is soooo ‘alpha’. Yech.
      Those grifters ‘schooling’ them are laughing their arses off I bet. Easy money.

    15. thathairinyourmouth on

      Something tells me that this attendance list has many current and future sex crime perps on it.

    16. Lumpy_Branch_4835 on

      It’s all shits and giggles until one of these dick weeds has a heart attack and receives the coveted Darwin award.

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