She thinks she invented cheating

    by Yeahanu


    1. She’d be fucked if her partner “wanted to work it out”. Who knows? Maybe one day she will grow up and function like an adult and be direct with the people she dates.

    2. She is a French actress that failed in France 💀 and had to go at Bollywood. I wouldn’t give that bitch much attention if I was you all.

    3. This is essentially a license to never be faithful to her. Just date her and sleep with whomever you like, and if you ever get caught you can just pull out a laminate copy of this screenshot like a “get out of jail free” card.

      Not that I would recommend it, either dating her, or being unfaithful. I’m just saying she’s not just ruined past relationships, but also future ones too with this public admission.

    4. It’s astonishing how some people can normalise cruelty to excuse their appaling behaviour towards people they are supposed to care about.

    5. Well one thing she doesn’t consider is a possibility her partner may react in a way she couldn’t predict. One moment she says she cheated on him, next moment she’s falling from a bridge with a huge stone around her neck.

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